The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Still concerned. I know I should chill out but do you think it would be ok to phone the Mature student College on Monday to find out when I should be receiving a response? Or is that a bad idea?

Well I sent an email and got a reply a couple of hours later. .. I dont know if thats a no no but ... :smile: .. have you had NO reply or have you been pooled ?
Reply 2
Well I sent an email and got a reply a couple of hours later. .. I dont know if thats a no no but ... :smile: .. have you had NO reply or have you been pooled ?

The ENTIRE university runs on email, you should always get a prompt reply with it. I have no idea whatsoever how they worked without it!

It is a sunday though and they'll likely not be working today, tomorrow they should be though, term starts on tuesday.

Reply 3
The ENTIRE university runs on email, you should always get a prompt reply with it. I have no idea whatsoever how they worked without it!

It is a sunday though and they'll likely not be working today, tomorrow they should be though, term starts on tuesday.


Lol .. yeah Ive sent them an email too and am waiting for a reply (another one)
Reply 4
Still concerned. I know I should chill out but do you think it would be ok to phone the Mature student College on Monday to find out when I should be receiving a response? Or is that a bad idea?

are you in the pool?
i phoned my college and they said they couldnt tell me anything so dunno if it will be much use
Reply 5
I've applied to Lucy Cavendish and have not heard back *anything* yet (it's a mature college for women). I emailed and they responded with a friednly email informing me decisions won't be made until end of Jan.
Where are you applying???

Still concerned. I know I should chill out but do you think it would be ok to phone the Mature student College on Monday to find out when I should be receiving a response? Or is that a bad idea?
Reply 6
Still concerned. I know I should chill out but do you think it would be ok to phone the Mature student College on Monday to find out when I should be receiving a response? Or is that a bad idea?

I have phoned cam a couple of times, and I received an offer. True , it was a difficult offer, but I have no idea if that was due to me calling them like 5 or 6 times...
Reply 7
I have phoned cam a couple of times, and I received an offer. True , it was a difficult offer, but I have no idea if that was due to me calling them like 5 or 6 times...

Your offer is easier than most of the IB offers Cambridge seem to give out.
Reply 8
Your offer is easier than most of the IB offers Cambridge seem to give out.

Having said that, I have two sciences and Maths at HL, The Math HL is considdered the most difficult subject in IB. Also, I applied as an open applicant for physical natural sciences so my course is most likely not that overloaded with applicants.
Reply 9
what does HL and SL mean? is it like a bit below A level and a bit below AS level???????????
Canada Girl I've applied to Lucy Cavendish and have not heard back *anything* yet (it's a mature college for women). I emailed and they responded with a friednly email informing me decisions won't be made until end of Jan.
Where are you applying???

I attended an interview at St Edmunds. I did actually email them but have not received a response, so I bit the bullet today and phoned them. Wish I hadn't the lady who answered was a little rude and said that she would be writing letters today and posting them out. Oh well I least I know that I'll be enlightened soon. As I have already taken A' Levels some time ago, I think I would be looking at either a rejection, or an unconditional offer unless they pool me (I'm not entirely certain what that involves..wouldn't they have done that by now?).
Also wondered whether I have applied to the right College. I've read the other threads and not an awful lot is known about St Edmunds, and I know as much about it as the next person (aside from the info given at the interview). I'm hoping it won't matter too much which college I go to (if I'm offered a place which is seeming unlikely) but kinda wish that I had stuck with my first choice Lucy Cavendish...too late now! . I'll keep you posted
I've read of a couple of mature women candidates applying to another college and then being pooled and accepted by Lucy Cavdendish. Don't worry about it being too late--Lucy also accepts 'late' candidates (ie. they have some spots for acceptances in late Winter for those applicants who were unable to apply earlier--I guess to stay true to thier policy of being open-minded and understanding of the lives of mature candidates). This waiting is making me so anxious!!! I've applied to read law, but am applying as an affiliated candidate (I already have an undergrad degree from a Canadian university). What are you applying for? Keep me posted and GOOD LUCK!

Also wondered whether I have applied to the right College. I've read the other threads and not an awful lot is known about St Edmunds, and I know as much about it as the next person (aside from the info given at the interview). I'm hoping it won't matter too much which college I go to (if I'm offered a place which is seeming unlikely) but kinda wish that I had stuck with my first choice Lucy Cavendish...too late now! . I'll keep you posted
Reply 13
what does HL and SL mean? is it like a bit below A level and a bit below AS level???????????

HL means Higher level, its a bit broader than A level, but not as in depth. You get grades between 1 and 7 where a high level triplet of 7 7 6 correspond to about AAA im A levels. SL stands for standard level or subsidary level (have had some [rather pointless] arguments with other people about what it really stands for) it is comparable to AS level I think, but you most frequently read it over two years, but with half the amount of hours instead...