The Student Room Group

Masculin VS feminine face shape

I have noticed that people seem to have different preferences when it comes to face shapes so I thought it would be interesting to hear peoples opinions and maybe we could get a poll going.

OK a basic description, masculin faces tend to have a strong jaw, low brow and overall more angular look whereas feminine faces are the opposite with more rounded jaws that are less wide making the overall face shape less angular. Although maybe someone can replace my poor description with a more detailed one.

Some other face shape descriptions I found on the net; long face, round face, heart-shaped face.

Personally I prefer feminine face shapes and I think it has something to do with my own face shape being somewhat feminine. However with men I think either face shape suites although as I am a guy I probably can't tell from an attractiveness standpoint.
Remember this is about girls and guys so you can say which you prefer on both or if indeed it doesn't bother you.
Reply 1
Dont care about blokes
Feminine faces for girls

I dont predict too much variation...
Reply 2

i'd say masculine face shapes for blokes, feminine for women. i think there may be some logic behind the way that the face shapes are named.
Reply 3

i'd say masculine face shapes for blokes, feminine for women. i think there may be some logic behind the way that the face shapes are named.

Yeah but not everyone shares your view, some guys like a girl with a masculine face shape and vice versa for girls with guys.
Reply 4
Yeah but not everyone shares your view, some guys like a girl with a masculine face shape and vice versa for girls with guys.

Seconded, guys can look stunning with a more feminine-shaped face.
Reply 5
i like both on guys...pretty boys like leo dicaprio in his titanic days have feminine faces and are very attractive as do guys witha strong jaw line like brad pitt or tom cruise
i did this exact topic (relationships) in psychology today - men = square jaw, small eyes, women = large and spaced out eyes softer jaw.. this is proven by many experiments of all different variations
I think men tend to have more profound jaw lines and higher fore heads, women thend to have slimmer faces with more visible cheeks, and do not tend to have as larege forheads as men, but there is variation with everyone, as epople inherit things from their parents like masculine jaws on women, but evryone has their own opinions on masculine and femanine faces
Reply 8
I read an article about how ... it's something like how most women will pick a man with a more feminine face as they associate it with being caring and stuff
But really beautiful women will pick more masculine faces, as they're not afraid of the competition in a subconscious kinda way... i'll try to find the article
Can't think of many straight guys who would describe their perfect partner as one who was masculine in appearance.