First I notice the face, just in general. I think I'm quite analytical... I work out what I like or don't like about it, and then decide whether its attractive. Although sometimes you just know that the guy is gorgeous.
But then personality comes into it. If a guy has a really great personality, I will start to see him as physically more attractive than he perhaps is. And if he's a total turd, I'll see him as somehow ugly, even if he's a Brad Pitt lookalike.
The shape of the face and smile and eyes; but personality jumps out more at me i after the first few minutes. If hes interesting to talk to looks don't matter as much!
hmm general shape (like you can tell if a guy has a nice body - shoulders etc) from behind. And from the front, face shape, eyes, but to be honest if they are a nice person, they just become good looking.