The Student Room Group

Glasgow School of Art - Does anyone know about Freshers Week?!


Starting at the School of Art, and Freshers week begins this week coming... Only there's no information on it anywhere. The website that the single sheet of A4 in the last mailing I got ( simply says info is "coming soon..."

It's like the damn thing doesn't exist or something! I hope they've got stuff planned, or I'll be becoming a Strathclyde student for the purposes of socialising this week... Strathy students know how to drink!

Any information would be appreciated!
Reply 1
Strathy students know how to drink!

That we do :biggrin: I text my friend who is in 3rd year at the art school, but he didn't know anything about fresher's week. My advice would be to go join in at Strathy and make sure you go see Hugh Lennon and the Hypno Dog !
Yeah, I got pissed in your union and the ark last year, I'm also in the Unite halls up at Buchanan View, so it's probably the closest night out for me at any rate! To cap it all off, I've got mates at the uni, so a long evening in the beer garden of the ark is almost certainly on the cards. Weather permitting of course...
Reply 3
The Ark is good craic (and fab for a cheap lunch) although I was there last Tuesday and the draught was off ! Not good when you're getting the football in.

Unfortunately I'm missing Strathy fresher's week this year. I'll be in Barcelona instead..... I'll live ! :biggrin:
Well, it's all going well so far - Matriculated today at the Art School, but was out last night at the Strathy Union getting hammered... top drawer! Tonight, it was a bit of Jumping Jack's, £1 a drink isn't to be sniffed at.

I'm smashed, really really smashed. Blagh.
Reply 5
i'm wondering whether to apply to glasgow school of art or strathclyde for architecture. I know glasgow school of art has an excellent reputation, but everyone and by EVERYONE i mean my friends and family keep on telling me its not worth cos it aint a University, i know this is total bull*, and i shouldnt be put off by it, but i cant stop thinking that i might be missing out on the whole UNI experience .....on top of that accomodation is probably a state at GSoA, since they cant get a lot of places free at glasgow uni. Anyways and strathclyde seems not what do u think?
Think its part of Glasgow Uni which is the best Uni (IMO) in the West of Scotland.
Glasgow School of Art is not part of the university, but does have very strong links with it. My course is split between the two, but most, including Architecture, are based exclusively at the Art School. You will have nothing to do with the university (aside from drinking at their unions, joining their societies etc.) if you do Architecture - unless you make friends at the uni. That said, the Art School does have its own union, and a good social scene... if a little pretentious.

The entry for Architecture at the GSofA is extremely competitive, and you need a solid portfolio and some knowledge of architecture to get past the interview. It is a good course, however... I don't know about the Strathy course. To be fair Davie, there are only a few unis in the West of Scotland, and of them, Glasgow is miles ahead in terms of recognition.

The accomodation isn't brilliant at the Art School, but not particularly bad, and on a level with some of the stuff the uni have.

Tell the people that are snubbing the GSofA to read up on their facts before they talk ***** about it - My course will see me graduating with a MEng... How exactly would I be getting this if I didn't attend a real uni?
Reply 8
entry for Architecture is extremely competitive :frown: ......oh well i'll give it a try :biggrin:
thanks for the info, really made up my mind. And well aslong as i can drink at the union and join society clubs at glasgow uni, its :wink:
entry for Architecture is extremely competitive :frown: ......oh well i'll give it a try :biggrin:
thanks for the info, really made up my mind. And well aslong as i can drink at the union and join society clubs at glasgow uni, its :wink:

I'm unsure as to whether you can join the unions, but you can be signed in by anyone from the university. I seem to remember my mate getting into the Glasgow Union using his School of Art matric card, but it was slightly more expensive.