The Student Room Group
Reply 1
I go under the blade for my elbow!

Not sure if it'll be local or general anasthetic (sp), but am apprehensive!


Its ok you'l be fine, which would you prefere? They might give you a choice of anasthetic. I know its scary but this time tomorrow you'l be great :smile:
If he was having general i would have thought he would already have been informed.
i would guess local plus some sedation.

not sure, havent done orthopedics as yet.
Reply 3
I wont be able to...'ll work) for awhile. :frown:
Reply 4
what have you done to your elbow?
i would probably say you ming have to have general anesthetic as movements elsewhere in your body could cause your arm to move during the operation, but then again if they feel it safe to use local anasthetic then they will probably use that. and best of luck with the operation.
Reply 6
wellp, its not a major operation is it??? after 1 month from the operation you'll be fine and theres nothing much to be worried a bout tomorrow. Just think of it as normal procedure.
Gud luck !!!
I'd have a local if I had the choice. You can have a general and not wake up from it! :biggrin: Don't worry, that's very rare, I'm sure you'll be fine :p: