The Student Room Group

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Reply 1
a polo neck.
Reply 2
:rolleyes: very good
Reply 3
cold (ice, anything frozen)
Reply 4
is it too late for that?
Reply 5
I have heard that tooth paste works well. It makes it a bit lighter - good luck hehe
Reply 6
ok il try toothpaste
Reply 7
a polo neck.

congratulations you got the first laugh out of my on this fine sunday :smile:
Reply 8
Reply 9
Use the search button. There's already a more elaborate thread about it.
Reply 10
Nothing beats a good sun-burn for camouflaging the symptoms of last night's sordid sojourn.
Reply 11
arnica cream or toothpaste
Jus 2 the frost's signature...phobe buffay fire fave friends moment!!! :biggrin:
Reply 13
er... you can't remove them, they're bruises. use arnica, witch-hazel and concealer... that's as good as you'll get.
cover with germoline - same colour as skin
Reply 15
Use ice, as a love bite is just bleeding under the skin as a result of the rupture of your veins, so you need ice as it is cold and will contract this

Reply 16
Ice works only if you put it on straight after, it sends the blood which has come to the surface of the skin back.
Reply 17
Why not just put some makeup over it?
Reply 18
if you read the thread i said i cant get any
Reply 19
It was put there as a practicle joke last night before anyone says anything!

How is that a practical joke? :confused: