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there's no problems with it as long as she's a good shag
Reply 2
kinda depends how old the people are......but, to be helpful, my friend is about to be 19 and her boyfriend has just turned 17 and they've been together just over a year.]

Edit- i forgot the actual opinion part...long as the people themselves don't mind, it shouldn't be an issue.
Reply 3
is a year a lot?
Reply 4
is a year a lot?

Reply 5
Then what would you call alot?
I dont think there is anything wrong with it really.
I wouldn't be keen to date a younger guy, but thats just my point of view.
Reply 6
I'd say at 17/19 that a year is a fairly good start. Not that it will last forever, but it's much better than a lot of relationships I know.

My boy is 1 year and 9 months younger than me :smile:
Reply 7
Then what would you call alot?

Depends on the maturity of those concerned. If theyre both adults, who am I to judge? If theyre not both adults (as in 16+) I cant imagine many girls would want to date a guy younger than them (not by more than a few years anyway), purely because of the maturity issue.
Reply 8
I would date a guy who was a year younger than me, infact the last 3 guys i have liked/dated have been in the year below me. However i dont think i would ever date anyone the year below me at school, it just seems weird. But guys i have met out of school just seem more mature.
Would just like to know what are the ladies views on dating a guy that is younger than you. To be more specific, 1 1/2 years younger than you lol.

I personally prefer older guys, even if it's just by a few months. In saying that, plenty of girls like younger guys.
I prefer older guys. I don't know, I just can't see myself dating a younger guy for some reason. However, if I reallyyyy liked a guy and he was a year younger than me or something, I'd probably still date him and just be like "who gives a crap about age." Um, I don't know. It also depends on how mature a guy is. A lot of guys that are my age are complete immature goofballs and don't act like 18 year olds at all. And some 17-16 year olds are more mature. So yeahhh, I guess it would just depend on the guy and the situation.
Reply 11
Personally i dont care about age. it seriously doesnt matter when you're in love. I mean as long ahs shes not 12 then you're singing
One of my best friends (he's a guy, aged 16) is going out with a girl who's 18 and the age difference really doesn't matter to them... they love each other so much and have been together over a year! She truly didn't mind that my friend, her boyfriend, was two years younger. They made a perfect couple regardless of that! :smile:

Just proves my theory that people can stay together even if they're of different ages, backgrounds, cultures, religions.... as long as you stay strong as a couple, and you have love, nothing else matters. :smile:

Well aren't I in a soppy mood this evening?!! :redface: :p:
Reply 13
Well, they say age is but a number. I guess it's true, eh?
Reply 14
Well, they say age is but a number. I guess it's true, eh?

im 19, my new girl ive started seeing is 23. go me.
I prefer older men, but I don't see it as an issue and as I said somewhere else, it depends entirely on the circumstances and each case is different. :smile: It depends on maturity a lot when both are in their teens but after that its all good.
Reply 16
Well, they say age is but a number. I guess it's true, eh?

No, it's not. For a 16 year old girl, a 14 year old boy is FAR less mature than one her own age or older. It does matter but generally less than most people would think.
This never seems to happen. It certainly isnt very common at all where im from. Usually its the guys going out with girls a year or two younger - this seems to be the trait from 14/15 right into the 20s.
i prefer older guys, but my ex boyfriend was almost exactly a year younger than me (a couple of days over). tbh i found him to be more immature and less confident, but thats just him. i didnt have a problem with it although a few of my friends did.
i say, if you like him, just go for it!
If it is legal then Good Luck to them!