The Student Room Group

GIRLS< advice please!


I got back off holiday last week, i was there for two weeks.

On one of the first nights I met a lovely girl from leeds who worked in one of the bars, we got chatting and really seemed to hit it off, we met her then on everynight after work and she partied with us.

On the last night we were there she gave me her spanish number and her English number...she insisted we should meet when she comes home.

Now i know that the number was correct as i have recieved a text from her, but i've tried to text her recently to no avail.

Question: If you girls were in this position would you give a lad your number if you wasn't interested? (even in being friends)
Reply 1
Erm, can't remember which radio station this is (possibly capital) but they have this thing where they give out a mobile number over the radio for people to give to random mingers who they meet on holiday.

But no means am i insinuating that your a minger. Don't misunderstand me :smile: But maybe ^ therein lies your answer. OR she might just have changed her mobile number and forgotten to tell you/ switched it off.
Reply 2
Erm, can't remember which radio station this is (possibly capital) but they have this thing where they give out a mobile number over the radio for people to give to random mingers who they meet on holiday.

Radio 1's Flirt Divert Number?

Book-worm, what makes you think she isn't interested? May be she changed her number?

Also, how many times have you texted her; why don't you just call her and see if she picks up?

I got back off holiday last week, i was there for two weeks.

On one of the first nights I met a lovely girl from leeds who worked in one of the bars, we got chatting and really seemed to hit it off, we met her then on everynight after work and she partied with us.

On the last night we were there she gave me her spanish number and her English number...she insisted we should meet when she comes home.

Now i know that the number was correct as i have recieved a text from her, but i've tried to text her recently to no avail.

Question: If you girls were in this position would you give a lad your number if you wasn't interested? (even in being friends)

why would she text you if she wasnt interested in at least being friends? Maybe she just has no credit on her fone or something.....

K8 x
Reply 4
It's not the flirt divert number lol, as i said she has text me back (once)

Cheers for the advice!
Just ring her and stop been a F***Y
Erm, can't remember which radio station this is (possibly capital) but they have this thing where they give out a mobile number over the radio for people to give to random mingers who they meet on holiday.

But no means am i insinuating that your a minger. Don't misunderstand me :smile: But maybe ^ therein lies your answer. OR she might just have changed her mobile number and forgotten to tell you/ switched it off.

Radio 1 do that too! :p: I always think of giving it to someone when I'm out clubbing, but end up forgetting it after drinking. I'm still determined to do it though.