The Student Room Group

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Reply 1
Reply 2
I suppose a majority will say yes but then how many black girls have actually been out with white guys? How do they compare with their black male counterpart? Also does background count? It goes on. :smile:
Reply 3
You should have an option for people who like to take part in polls for the hell of it.
You never seen the song "Pretty fly for a white guy"
Reply 5
if i was a black woman id have no problem with it :smile:
Reply 6
I've hear'd that non-blacks have next to no chance with black girls because balck male are so "well equipt". Though that could just be a rumour??
I've hear'd that non-blacks have next to no chance with black girls because balck male are so "well equipt". Though that could just be a rumour??

Hmm, maybe.
Reply 8
Well this is just a guess. But I would think that some black girls would not go out with black men due to the evidence that a greater than average number are criminals or unemployed (compared to population).
Reply 9
people are very rarely so rational in picking a mate :rolleyes:
Reply 10
I'm mixed race (funny story theire, actually... recently had dinner with a male friend who I've known for over a year, who never realised I'm mixed - he was shocked that I'm not black.)

I'd go out with white guys. In fact, I've only ever been out with white guys, due to the fact that I know so few black guys.
Reply 11
Well this is just a guess. But I would think that some black girls would not go out with black men due to the evidence that a greater than average number are criminals or unemployed (compared to population).

Haha Brilliant! :rolleyes:
ummm if i liked him why not

from what ive experienced-though i've never been out with a white guy-been with black, mixed and asian...white guys are alot less stress than black ones at times

but in general i am mostly attracted to black guys
Reply 13
Well this is just a guess. But I would think that some black girls would not go out with black men due to the evidence that a greater than average number are criminals or unemployed (compared to population).

And black girls may not go out with white guys because a greater proportion of them are serial killers.

Yeah, that is stupid just like some of your post(s) :rolleyes:
Reply 14
ummm if i liked him why not

Exactly. But I hear these strange excuses like "the wrong colour" or something daft and I'm like WTF. If you like him you like him. :smile:
I'd go out with a white guy. I've been out with one actually. But they rarely approach me because I guess they're scared. Also I like to talk about racial issues and sometimes white guys don't like that. But I've definitely met some that I thought were cute but I was too afraid to try b/c I assume they're not interested :frown:
Oh God...
Reply 17
shady lane
But I've definitely met some that I thought were cute but I was too afraid to try b/c I assume they're not interested :frown:

Never assume. :biggrin:
Reply 18
im not black - im latin all mixed up - brown hair, eyes and tanned deep skintone. i wouldnt date a white guy cos all my peopl would be racist to me - even jus hangin with my white friends, the blacks and asians ignoe me as they think im trying to be white. it would be so complex. if the white guy had a deep tan and dark hair and eyes, maybe
Reply 19
So if everybody had that way of thinking years ago we'd be like the USA right now, still.