yeah, finally, a frenchman who speaks sense.
its illegal for them to look on your hard drive without your concent and there was nothing in the contract of residences or your uni contract things youll sign at enrolement saying you will let them check your files and discs or that you wont run illegal software. Of the 314 programs installed on my system, 144 are freeware, 2 are paied for and the rest are downloaded. Its rediculous. The IT guys (who i shall be geting VERY well aquanted with being a compski student) will be strugling to run reslan and the general uni admin systems, let alone check ANYONEs let alone EVERYONEs pc's in halls. its utter crap. Also in taly north where im at there no reslan so they cant ask me to do anything with my pc as im not on their network and cant affect the uni in any way.
The data protection act 1987, 1995, 1999 and the melenium data security act 200, both form a legal protection you can use to say to anyone not just a uni but anyone - no, i legally own that hard drive, i legally own the data on it, as it my property and contains my data, you may not even be allowed to know it exsists without written concent to have that knowledge from me (see MDA2K Section 5 Paragraph 4 - bloody hilarious loop hole) and to be honest - the it guys are probably runing windows server 2K5 edition 6 already illegally and installed a load of cracked office disks across campus anyway.
so thats crap whoever started this stuff about software licences.
as for PAT - i dont know - sounds like something analy retentive enough to be true..