does anyone else here suffer with really bad ear pain when flying? If so do you have any suggestions to stop me from getting it?!
I've suffered from ear problems since I was little, had my adenoids removed and grommets twice to prevent persistent glue ear. Ever since I've struggled to be able to effectively equalise the pressure in my ears in both normal day life and when I have bad colds/flu, but also particualrly when I fly. I'm fine on take off and whilst cruising, but its agony on descent and landing. Feels like someone is digging red hot pokers in my ears, and like my ear drums are going to burst. If I try and re-equalise them whilst this is happening they are just as/if not more painful.......
I've tried the suggested methods of chewing gum and sucking sweets. My GP suggested using decongestants for a week prior to flying and vick and stuff whilst actually on the plan but no results. I've also tried ear plugs, including the ones that are specifically made for flying.....
Am I doomed to ear pain forever - anyone got any tried and tested methods??!?!