Take triple science if you enjoy learning about the body, how medicines workand feel you could use this as an advantage, but this most definitely will notbe essential so you might prefer to stick to double science. Be sure to get Cgrades and above!
Health and Social care would definitely be a good subject to take and isrecommended by midwives themselves!
Make sure you pass your English GCSE exams in order to prove your ability to read,write and communicate. This links to the importance of your people skills.
Mathematics is an important subject to pass anyway but when entering a careerin the medical profession each day is likely to involve numeracy skills.
You might want to take either Geography or History to count as one of your humanitysubjects. Humanity subjects are useful in improving your intelligence, abilityto read and write and interesting facts which you might use in your career.
Nowadays, qualifications in modern foreign languages (MFL) are useful inimproving communication and your confidence to talk to a range of people ofdifferent nationalities.
If you have the option to take Psychology or Sociology then definitely considerit as they are interesting and useful to use in a career like midwifery whereyou are working with people and using your knowledge of the body and health.
Your GCSE’s are important and you must make sure you work hard in order toachieve the best grades possible. You then may decide that you want to do Alevels or you might prefer to do a BTEC diploma in childcare of health andsocial before going into nursing/midwifery.
Hope this has helped and good luck! If you want any information regarding GCSE’sI’d be more than happy to answer any questionsJ