The Student Room Group
I think you get it free until the age of 19. 'Cause I have to pay for mine now but I don't know you might get a reduced rate as you are a student.
Reply 2
X-KiwiTheIncapable- X
Sorry if this sounds stupid, but I'm curious because I've left school but going to university soon.

I'm 20 and I have to pay for checkups - not sure about treatment. If you're from a low income family you might be able to fill out a form and claim the money back, but if not you have to pay.
Really? Because I just went to the dentist an hour ago and had to pay £16.50. What's worse is the check- up literally lasted 20 seconds and the dentist just said "Your teeth are fine, come back in a year!" :mad: Waste of money.
Reply 4
I filled out a form when i was a student and got free treatment, ask your dentist for one.
Reply 5
when i was doing work experience at a dental practice the receptionist mentioned something about how uni students think they get free treatment but they don't! might want to double check though
Reply 6
X-KiwiTheIncapable- X
Sorry if this sounds stupid, but I'm curious because I've left school but going to university soon.

No. You have to fill out an HC1 form for an HC2 certificate for low income to get free NHS treatment. They should be available in pharmacies, GP surgeries or in your university.

Interesting point - if you are 18 and at university you aren't entitled to get free prescriptions etc. because you technically don't fall into the "16,17 or 18 and in full time education" category. No-ones going to call you on it though :yep:
I've got braces but my first appointment was just before my 19th so haven't had to pay as it's ongoing treatment. Pretty sure though that if you're over 19 you pay even if you're a student.
I thought everyone was entitled to NHS dental treatment...but that there weren't enough NHS dentists to go around :dontknow:
Reply 9
I think you are, but you need apply every year. Ask for a HC1 form from the post office. Might be wrong though
I got free dental treatment at a private dentist by filling out the form, depends on ur income and savings and stuff
Reply 11
I thought no, but those forms ring a bell.
I have to pay for my dental treatment, including check ups and i'm 18. Cost me bloomin £30!
My boyfriend get's it free though because he's from a low income family.
I'm pretty sure you have to pay if you're a student too.
I thought you got it free until you were 19? I could be thinking of the opticians.
Reply 14
trying to fill out the form for my son, he is at uni. do they check if you live at home?