The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Not sure about Southamption in particular, but Law generally involves suprisingly little in the way of lectures [as compared to say Medicine]. You're expected however to do a mountain load of work on your own, such as reading cases, writing notes and general research.

Some find it easy enough to cope with and have time to get jobs and so on, others find it harder and literally spend every second of their day working.

How easy or hard you find it is [in a sense] up to you pal. Good luck with the LLB anyway, I just finished mine and I'm nostalgic already...
Reply 2
Going into Southampton for Law and I heard its somewhere around 45 hours of work a week to get a 2:1? Just wondering whether I can do a job, extra curricular's and study all at the same time.

It's very hard to quantify how much you need to work. Most people I know at uni certainly did no where near 45 hours of work a week to get a 2.1. In fact even people who got firsts didn't do that (myself probably included in that bracket!). It depends how good you are at the subject, if you're organised, don't procrastinate etc and can peak at the right times.

You also have to remember that there is a very big difference between getting a 60 and a 69 overall (both of which are 2.1s). I'd say, on balance, it is possible to have a job, do a few ECs and still emerge with a 2.1 but law is quite an intensive degree, so be careful about taking on too much.
Law isn't hard. It's surprisingly easy. But it's just the volume. Huge amounts of stupendously boring crap that just has to be waded through. Glad I never have to sit through a Trusts tutorial ever again...
Reply 4
Law isn't hard. It's surprisingly easy. But it's just the volume. Huge amounts of stupendously boring crap that just has to be waded through. Glad I never have to sit through a Trusts tutorial ever again...

Thats good, lots of low level work is much better than a small amount of high level work.
Reply 5
Thats good, lots of low level work is much better than a small amount of high level work.

Don't hold that opinion as gospel; it varies from person to person. Some people find the workload more manageable than others and I suspect that the overwhelming majority of law students would tell you that their degree is anything but easy.

Some subjects are massively technical and very difficult to understand. In short, a law degree definitely isn't something you'll excel at by blagging and yes, as a general rule, you can expect to work both longer and harder than a lot of your counterparts.
Reply 6
Yep, I completely agree with Mr. Deeds- I would more go along the lines of lots of high level work. A law degree definitely isn't easy.

Have a read. You might find it interesting (particularly if you think a law degree is low level work).
Reply 7
I have apart time job and have to travel for 4 hours a day to and from uni - and still averaging high 2.1. I've never taken a bo
ok out of the library and never scored below a 60 - you should be fine
Ooooh 🧟*♂️ zombie thread