well i really like the uni and have throught all year that i would apply to it.. now i am about to apply and i am suddenly scared of how far it is! I live in london which is quite a distance away... did anyone feel this way last year... ?
Mancunian here...so I'm not too far from anywhere ^_^ I don't think it takes that long to get to London from Durham by train, my roommate went home for odd weekends and didn't complain about the time/distance. Although you do grow to complain about the cold.
I'll just have a quick word with God, see if he can rip out the Midlands and bring Durham and bit closer to home.
On a serious note, I feel exactly like this NOW! I'm in Suffolk, bout an hour from London so it's 5 hours for me to Durham. I'm gonna miss being away and am scared that I'll be so far away if something bad happens but the truth is with Newcastle airport right next door to Durham you can fly to Stansted and be home in 45 minutes!
Durham is SUCH a nice place too. Please don't not apply just because of the distance!
It's 3 hours by train to London... nothing at all. It does seem rather daunting at first... but you're hardly there for much time anyway! 9.5 week terms...
It's great to leave your scummy home, awful family and ugly friends behind.
You talk as if you live in Essex... Seriously though, the distance isn't really a problem, more of a small inconvenience. Plus, I'd have hated to go to a uni with loads of people I already knew, kinda defeats the object. You'll keep in contact with the people worth keeping in contact with anyway. Being a long way from most people's homes is a good thing too, because it means that half the uni doesn't disappear home for the weekend, like I know happens in London and other Southern unis.