The Student Room Group
shouldnt need it at all

the most dressed up I got was for the Freshers ball and I just wore Jeans and a shirt. Everyone is pretty casual
Reply 2
damn. i look good in a suit :smile:
Reply 3
same, im gonna wear one anyway just around the flat
Really!? the fresher's ball is casual. damn...hehe...I need to get more wear out of my ballgown.
Reply 5
that's not what i was todl by some 2nd years yesterday!
that's not what i was todl by some 2nd years yesterday!

Really!??? Woohoo! maybe the ballgown will be getting another outing! I thought it was a waste to just wear it once. YEAH! *ahem*
Reply 7
It would be good if they shown pictures of last years so people would know what to wear..
Reply 8
there's only 30 tix left according to the website!
Reply 9
Do We Order Them Now Or Wot
Reply 10
theres not only 30 left, they release more everyday
do all you know people startin trent??
Reply 12
i dont
no-one at all? cuz i don't either its gona be so weird goin sumwhere where i don't know anyone at all most other people i know, know atleast one person startin uni with them
Reply 14
i know no1, the two i do know are starting next year
I don't know anyone starting trent at all. I think a lot of people will be in the same proverbial boat as far as knowing people is concerned. I'm kind of worrying about meeting people etc, but so are most people so don't panic!!!!!
well i don't mind bout meetin people n taht cuz i'd talk to anyone plus i work in a shop so don't really find it hard to make convo its jus who i'm gona b sharin my flat/halls with that i'm bothered bout think i'm more nervous than anything else
Yeah, i know what you mean about being nervous. I'm worried I'm not going to meet many people because i'm living in a random flat off-campus.
u'll be fine just talk to random people like i do!!