The Student Room Group
University of York

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Im in Fairfax house too, its the oldest building and about 10mins walk from the uni. This is a quote from someone else on TSR:
"A guy i know from my course lived in Fairfax and he really liked it, because it is small it means they all know each other. No limit on appliances but you are not meant to have fridges or kettles although cleaners will never do anything about it. There should now be microwaves in all accomodation, if not most houses would put together and buy one (wouldnt be more than £5 each) but usually that has already been done and i think the uni now buys them."

Iv just found out that by the time we get their on the 9th Oct all rooms in Fairfax will have data links.(They havn't in the past)
University of York
Reply 2
Thanks - nice to meet you. Hi there to all Fairfaxarians :confused:
Reply 3
Fairfax house isn't a bad location, pretty much the same as living in heslington road, so near to town(meaning you won't have to get a taxi back) and near to the uni.
Reply 4
Guy i know off my course lived there and is going to try his hardest to get back there in his 4th year so it must be pretty good. Near to Efe's takeaway as well.
Reply 5
Near to Efe's takeaway as well.

is that supposed to be a plus point?:p:
Reply 6
Better than JJ's!
Reply 7
Now now ladies...
Reply 8
Fairfax house is actually quite a good place to end up. It has a decent community and is not too far from campus or the city.
Reply 9
Better than JJ's!

Yep, you're right, whats your point though?:p:
Reply 10
None at all, i am a James College man so didnt even have a bar never mind a takeaway!
Reply 11
poor you... you've only got posh people in consolation...
Reply 12
Fairfax looks pretty posh - they don't fill it with snobs do they? Cos I'm going to be screwed if they do lol - party 'til I graduate xx
Reply 13
Yeh, unfortunately, they allocate colleges according to their social background and how big the cheque that they sent with the accomodation form was :rolleyes:
Reply 14
Yeah, it cost a lot but i think it was worth it for James!
Fairfax looks pretty posh - they don't fill it with snobs do they? Cos I'm going to be screwed if they do lol - party 'til I graduate xx

Even if they do, don't worry. I'm a snob but I'll 'party' with anyone.

If, of course, your Dad is on £100k+ a year, you own a chalet in Verbier and you keep a collection of thoroughbred race horses.
Reply 16
Hello there,

I'm in the same boat as the OP. Got my accomodation letter through the post and didnt have a clue where or what Fairfax House was. I was hoping for Alcuin.

Anyway, long story short, I visited there today.
Outside of the building doesn't look too great but the inside is decent enough and, most importantly, it's clean. Bedrooms are nicely sized, probably because this is an older building. Bathrooms seemed a little pokey, but again, they were clean so i'm not fussed.
Like the booklet says its about a 10 min walk from campus, but I say you could do it in 7 :tongue:
Definitely staggering distance from boozy nights in Gallery/ziggys/etc
Reply 17
looks like im kipping at yours then mate :biggrin:
got a question about Fairfax House, do the kitchens have toasters and kettles? Coz iv read quite a lot of posts on here and advice is to bring them. Wouldn't the uni provide them like they do cooker.
Reply 19
Yep, toasters and kettles provided.