The Student Room Group

Have you sent off your UCAS application form yet? well as the additional Oxbridge Application Form?
I was just wondering when other people were sending it in - my school wants it in for Monday 26th (2 weeks and 5 days before the deadline :eek: ), and I don't think I'm completely this the normal time to be sending off applications?
I really hope that this is not the case, as I am considering the likelihood of them awarding me additional prep time (my PS is not quite ready).

Have people also organised their written work? I haven't written one of the essays yet!

And for the 3/4 of us who will be needing these...get in your orders early!
(shamelessly stolen from kitsune)

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Reply 1
My college wants it for the 30th. Those T-shirts... I want one.

EDIT: They might as well just print "University of Durham" on the back. :smile:
Reply 2
Reply 3
Mine wanted them for the 29th (today, incidentally).

I got mine in a week ago. Some people are rushing around apologising because its not ready. One girl just said, "i'm not ready, therefore they're not getting it. End of story"

I don't know what the moral is...
Reply 4
I sent mine today and im sending my Oxford form on monday...simply cus i forgot to send it today!! you dont have to send the essays till the 15 Nov luckily! Im the only one at school going for Oxbridge.....and Ive book marked that T shirt page!
Reply 5
There's no need to send anything till the 15th - tutors really could not care less when you send it.

Schools often impose very early internal deadlines to make their life easier check through personal statements and deadlines. However, they can't make you do anything early and don't let 'em forget at the end of the day it's their job to help you with your application, not put extra pressure on you! My school had some similarly early deadline, and at least half the applicants ignored it. School still sent off their applications, surprisingly...
Reply 6
mines individual and got it in by the 12th sepetember

still waiting for the thing to be processed :p:
Reply 7
No harm in the school putting a bit of 'friendly' pressure on you. If a few people fall for their deadlines it means they have a few less to concentrate when the actual deadline comes around
Reply 8
I've got the tshirt in red!!! It's really good quality!!! :biggrin: mmm I finished my UCAS form a week ago but I hasnt been sent yet (have they even started writing the referee statement?) and I'm giving in the Oxford form on Monday! :biggrin:
I've finished my UCAS form and CAF, but my head of sixth form and my tutor are still squabbling over who should write my reference, so I can't send it off until that's done.
Why don't you suggest they both write you one, and then let a third teacher read both and send of the better one? That way you'll get a better reference than you otherwise might have as each of them will be trying to make theirs better than the other.
I sent mine off last week. Mine's individual as well, and it hasn't been processed either. So much for the "usually within 24 hours" thing!
And by the way, that t-shirt's awful.
Reply 12
I sent mine off last week. Mine's individual as well, and it hasn't been processed either. So much for the "usually within 24 hours" thing!
And by the way, that t-shirt's awful.

its a real fashion statement hey :rolleyes:

yeh the track site still only has '05 entries so i figure they are slow keeping up with the demand... but honestly it should have all been factored in and forseen ahead of time
Hoping to finally get mine off next week... wonder who came up with that T shirt idea ...:laugh:
Reply 14
... wonder who came up with that T shirt idea ...:laugh:

the vice-chancellors? :rolleyes:
Reply 15
i finished all mine on the 16th but my head of year who has to write the reference still hasn't looked at it!! :frown:
Reply 16
I am so gonna get an Oxbridge Reject teeshirt :p:
Mine's gone as far as I'm concerned but I'm pretty sure it's still sitting in my tutors office- she hasn't got round to doing either of the references yet. Grrr.
Reply 18
Queen_A well as the additional Oxbridge Application Form?
I was just wondering when other people were sending it in - my school wants it in for Monday 26th (2 weeks and 5 days before the deadline :eek: ), and I don't think I'm completely this the normal time to be sending off applications?
I really hope that this is not the case, as I am considering the likelihood of them awarding me additional prep time (my PS is not quite ready).

Have people also organised their written work? I haven't written one of the essays yet!

And for the 3/4 of us who will be needing these...get in your orders early!
(shamelessly stolen from kitsune)

I haven't done either of my essays :frown:
I haven't done either of my essays :frown:

Haven't even thought about that yet- will worry about it when I get asked for them