Ive just started going out with someone at school. Ive known him for ages but am thinking it might be weird at school. Has anyone found this or is it usually ok? Any thoughts?
its not a problem atall, just dont let anyone elses gossip get to you. When i first got with my boyfriend a lot of ppl got jelous and started trying to persude him to split with me...so he did, and it made my life hell for a while, but then he realised they were just idiots and e got back together....3 years n 1 month later and we still are together, having been so all through yr 11 and the whole of 6th form, even doing the same subjects. If your meant to be then you shud be ahppy your seeing him so much, iv never ever gotten bored, and am now heartbroken as were now 100 miles apart because of uni...still together tho ggood luck
Well that doesn't sound like it was only because of you being in school. Maybe they had other reasons for trying to split you up. Noone got jealous with us, everyone just accepted it (we were the only couple in our class). Like I said before, it's really amazing to be able to see someone you love every day, because otherwise it would have been impossible to see each other so much.
its not a problem atall, just dont let anyone elses gossip get to you. When i first got with my boyfriend a lot of ppl got jelous and started trying to persude him to split with me...so he did, and it made my life hell for a while, but then he realised they were just idiots and e got back together....3 years n 1 month later and we still are together, having been so all through yr 11 and the whole of 6th form, even doing the same subjects. If your meant to be then you shud be ahppy your seeing him so much, iv never ever gotten bored, and am now heartbroken as were now 100 miles apart because of uni...still together tho ggood luck
hate gossips and people who gossip.they are jealous freaks of nature.