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People just naturally gain fat in certain places first. Everyone's different. Some people put it on their hips first, others on their stomach, and you, your thighs :rolleyes: But if you're not all over fat, I bet it's not noticeable to anyone but you anyway :smile:
Reply 2
I wouldnt worry about it...girls put fat on in all kinds of wierd places during'll go. Meanwhile, you could limit it by doing regular exercise. :smile:
Actually apparently women tend to put more fat on there before until menopause. Long wait, hopefully
well brick **** house thighs are generally because of sport.
What's wrong with big thighs then?
Reply 6
at least the fat isn't going into your face/neck/stomach/arms! :eek: I'm sure there are a lot of clothes to hide weighty thighs :wink:
Reply 7
Hah, don't even start about having big thighs :frown:
Reply 8
Don't worry about it; my thighs used to be bigger than most rugby players' and they're not small now but it doesn't matter. Personally I never minded women with thighs; it's better than dating stick insects :rolleyes:
He he he he, why do you Men find big thighs appealling?

I ride horses, cannot help with the thigh situation. Riders build up muscle in that area. I can feel mine :frown: It even gets in the way.
Reply 10
well I thought when you have muscles body becomes smaller:eek:
under the fat lies muscle. I am quite slim right now and I can feel all this muscle; could crack a nut open with me legs he he. Trust me though, I am prone to fat thights. They end up hugh with the combined effect of both
i have the same problem. if it's mainly fat on your thighs you can tone them by skipping.
Reply 13
i have the same problem. if it's mainly fat on your thighs you can tone them by skipping.

what is skipping :confused:
Reply 14
I was worried about fat thighs, but strangely enough I feel great when wearing my supertight dark jeans :wink: , instead of something looser which just makes me feel huge and awful.
So,erm, while I havent actually sorted the problem of "fat" thighs, I think I've found a way to feel better about it and not notice it at all.
Reply 15
I was worried about fat thighs, but strangely enough I feel great when wearing my supertight dark jeans :wink: , instead of something looser which just makes me feel huge and awful.
So,erm, while I havent actually sorted the problem of "fat" thighs, I think I've found a way to feel better about it and not notice it at all.

Tight jeans are cool - they kind of suck everything and hold it in! :smile:
what is skipping :confused:

are you being sarcastic (sorry, i don't get it without tone of voice)?
if not, skipping is jumping over a rope which you swing round.
Reply 17
are you being sarcastic (sorry, i don't get it without tone of voice)?
if not, skipping is jumping over a rope which you swing round.

no i'm not being sarcastic :eek: :frown: I really didn't know :frown:
aww sorry bout saying you were being sarcastic then
my weight goes on my hips, bum and thighs which is really really annoying! Hardly any weight goes on my bust and i also seem to lose it from there first :frown:

I always wear skirts to hide them because i have a smaller waist. I'm a typical pear shape.