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I've recently been diagnosed with ibs and my doctor hasn't been vey helpful. I've done some research and discovered fybogel which i hope will help the borborygmi and bloating before i start uni. The problem is some places say it can cause wind and excessive bloating. Is this true and is there any other supplement i can use that would help? :confused:
Reply 1
I'd keep off the curry if I were you.
Reply 2
Hiya I was diagnosed with IBS and i'm on Fybogel. It causes bloating for about 2 weeks but if you have IBS then you're going to get bloating anyway. It works though! It's absoultely vile stuff but worth it. You can get it in Boots or from your Dr.
Reply 3
I never had to take the stuff - but had to mix it up for my patients - urgh! Talk about mingin! But they do say that the worst tasting medicine is the best for you...
Reply 4
I've recently been diagnosed with ibs and my doctor hasn't been vey helpful. I've done some research and discovered fybogel which i hope will help the borborygmi and bloating before i start uni. The problem is some places say it can cause wind and excessive bloating. Is this true and is there any other supplement i can use that would help? :confused:

hi there is something else called senokot which is the same as fybogel which u could take but check first with your doctor because it might not be strong enough for ibs.
hope this helps
pink fairy
Reply 5
Thank you everyone.
Reply 6
I'd keep off the curry if I were you.

meant to be funny? :mad:
Reply 7
Doctors thought my Mam had IBS (they were wrong mind) and they gave her fybogel, and it tasted really foul, so she mixed it with fresh orange juice instead of water, and it taked better. Plus fresh orange juice isn't going to harm you in that department :smile:

I hope it works and you're feeling better soon trixx :hugs:
psychic_satori, Douglas or Made_in_the_USA (cant rmember which of the 3) suffered from IBS and they take some bark extract they swear by.
each to their own, try different products to see which one works for you.