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Reply 1
In girls, nope.
I think it looks youthful and fun, as if the girl looks more energetic with a short cut as opposed to drab and dull with a long mane.
Hell.... No!
Reply 4
I think it looks youthful and fun, as if the girl looks more energetic with a short cut as opposed to drab and dull with a long mane.

ditto.."black mamba" i hope you have short hair,love your sign in name...though would have expected a more gory avataar
It depends on the girl some girls look good with short hair(Hale Berry) and some look better with long(Rest of the world).
Reply 6
no, i think longer hair is better. but it depends, ppl like different things i guess.
i used to have short hair when i was in primary school....if i had short hair now, id look like a pumpkin head :rofl:
i much prefer girls with a decent length of hair, at least shoulder length.
Either way its better than girls with bald heads.
Reply 10
I find short hair uber hot. One of the first things i notice (if she has it, natch).
I love it when girls have their hair like a chin length bob and straight ragged with gel on , cant really explain but what do you think? It seems to have gone out of fashion now :frown:

My hair's almost down to my waist atm, that's my answer made obvious. :p:
Reply 12
some look nice. but not as low as a boys short hair cut
depends on the girl, for example, it definately suits Alyssa Milano (Phoebe from Charmed) Pic Linky or Meg Ryan Pic Linky
but on some people it doesnt go at all, Britney Spears Pic Linky
Keira Knightley looks good with short hair.
depends on the girl, for example, it definately suits Alyssa Milano (Phoebe from Charmed) Pic Linky or Meg Ryan Pic Linky
but on some people it doesnt go at all, Britney Spears Pic Linky

So true. Really depends on the person and how she manages to style it and stuff.
Keira Knightley looks good with short hair.

forgot about her :p:
forgot about her :p:

Mind you, she always looks good. If she only had bigger boobs, she'd be flawless! :p:
Mind you, she always looks good. If she only had bigger boobs, she'd be flawless! :p:

One mate of mine think shes ugly and im like :eek: :confused: :confused:
Reply 19
Keira Knightley looks good with short hair.

Kiera Knighley looks like she's dying. I think the only way to tell if you will look good with short hair is to get it done. But then if you hate it you will be stuck with it(weel until it grows :biggrin: )