The Student Room Group

UCAS - not enough space

There is not enough space on my ucas form to enter the addresses for my employers'. What should I do about this? Should I enter as much as possible onto the space provided, or leave it blank. Also one more question, when it asks your employers' name do u put in the name of the business or the name of your boss. for example - employers' name : tesco , or employers' name : bob smith (note these are examples and I have not worked for anyone called bob smith, and ave never worked for tesco either) :biggrin: :biggrin: :eek:
Reply 1
If it's just casual part time employers, I wouldn't bother putting them in at all. I got the impression that it's really for mature students who have had "proper" jobs, or for people who had jobs related to their subjects. (or at least that's what my school said)
Reply 2
For my employers address I did the name of the company then the address of the shop I worked at. If you can't fit it. Just take out the town and county, the postcode is the most important thing.