The Student Room Group

Optional additional personal statement

There's a space on the CAF for an 'Optional additional personal statement'. I take it that it's a good idea to put something here, but I cannot help feeling that whatever is put in the fairly small space provided is going to be rather trite.

It's difficult to say something additional to the UCAS statement and particular to Cambridge. 'Like the architecture', 'want to be taught by/ mingle with the best', 'will thrive in tutorials' all spring immediately to my, and presumably everyone else's, mind. Rather than simply prove that one has nothing useful to say here, I wonder whether it might in fact be better to be quiet?

How about: 'I am going to work for a first, and it may as well be one from Cambridge rather than a less prestigious university'? Sounds unbelievably horrific, as well perhaps as being unbelievable.

Perhaps play it safe and repeat some of the stuff from the UCAS statement, but in different words? How boring!

Any suggestions?
Reply 1
try saying why that college or why camabridge
Reply 2
I take it that it's a good idea to put something here
Not necessarily. If you can't think of anything significant to put then don't put anything.
Reply 3
If you have to write something talk about why the course at Cambridge appeals to you, the college system and possibly a bit about the college you are applying to (not sure if this would damage your app if you was to be pooled though)
Reply 4
I'm applying for natural sciences so I just wrote a brief paragraph about how I'd enjoy the variety in the course (my PS was dedicated to biochemistry).
I'm applying for French and Spanish and I've just written a bit about how the flexibility of the course appeals to me and I like being taught in small groups, so I think the supervision system would suit me.
Reply 6
There's a space on the CAF for an 'Optional additional personal statement'. I take it that it's a good idea to put something here, but I cannot help feeling that whatever is put in the fairly small space provided is going to be rather trite.

It's difficult to say something additional to the UCAS statement and particular to Cambridge. 'Like the architecture', 'want to be taught by/ mingle with the best', 'will thrive in tutorials'

There are no tutorials at Cambridge so would be difficult to thrive in them :wink:
Reply 7
...yes there are, but they're called by a different name. If you have nothing useful to say in an additional personal statement, then it's probably for the best that you say nothing.
There's a space on the CAF for an 'Optional additional personal statement'. I take it that it's a good idea to put something here, but I cannot help feeling that whatever is put in the fairly small space provided is going to be rather trite.

It's difficult to say something additional to the UCAS statement and particular to Cambridge. 'Like the architecture', 'want to be taught by/ mingle with the best', 'will thrive in tutorials' all spring immediately to my, and presumably everyone else's, mind. Rather than simply prove that one has nothing useful to say here, I wonder whether it might in fact be better to be quiet?

How about: 'I am going to work for a first, and it may as well be one from Cambridge rather than a less prestigious university'? Sounds unbelievably horrific, as well perhaps as being unbelievable.

Perhaps play it safe and repeat some of the stuff from the UCAS statement, but in different words? How boring!

Any suggestions?

Mentioning the unique Collegiate system would probably work well. :smile:
Reply 9
I'd think nearly every additional PS will have something about the collegiate system, or supervisions. I tried to steer clear of that in mine.

I put about how Cambridge offered philosophy as a single honours subject (as against oxford, who do not) and I liked how they took the subject seriously, then some stuff about how I was unsure about applying and then after the open day, I was set on going.

Be honest, tell them why you really want to go to *that* college on *that* course so bad. :smile:
Reply 10
I talked a bit about which parts of the natsci course I would enjoy. i.e possible combinations i'd take.
Reply 11
I explained why I went to the maths open day and then didn't apply for maths. :p:
Reply 12
not sure if this would damage your app if you was to be pooled though

I don't think so. I applied to Sidney and seem to remember writing something about Sidney's central location being a big plus for me, then I got pooled to and accepted at Girton! So I doubt it.