The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Being on clifton id say il go to the iceland about a mile down the road ( cause im gonna be working there :biggrin: ) iceland is also fairly cheap so you know...

are there any other supermarkets on the clifton estate/area?

also would it be weird to shop online/instore and have it delivered to my campus lol... :rolleyes:

i dnt think so, it might be a good idea to get it done like that especially if you do a mass shop with the rest of the people in your flat. Im pretty sure that atleast tescos deliver to uni flats, it would save a lot of time and effort.
Reply 2
Im gonna go to asda.. good reliable asda..
For all those inner-city dwellers, apparently the only supermarket type place in the city centre is the Tesco Metro. I read one review of this on the internet where the reviewer claimed he would rather "stab himself in the eye" than shop there because everything was usually sold out or 10x more expensive than normal supermarkets. I need to know where to shop in the city centre for groceries!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Reply 4
im stayin in glasshouse
tescos is next door
i assume there
Reply 5
yeh i wa thinkin tesco cuz its more or less jus up the road in victoria centre cuz im stayin at sandby
Reply 6
tescos isnt that bad for prices can get 5 tesco brand microwave meals for £3.50....asdas a bit of a trek its in the middle of hyson green (pretty dodgy area) though is n a tram route
Reply 7
if my flatmates are up for it gonna get asda to deliver
Reply 8
i still think tesco i don't even know where asda is plus it ent far from work either
Reply 9
i heard there was an ASDA near the brackenhurst campus, im gonan check on the net im worried now..
well i'm at the city centre n tesco's closest duno bout asda i don't really know notts that well only been there a coupla times......are u at the brackenhurst campus?
Reply 11
Yeh, In the middle of the countryside.... I can walk home from asda and not have to worry about gangs and shooting.
aww u mek me feel so much better! the university of nottingham wa abit like that well i can't rem properly cuz i wa there 2years ago for a law conference abit like medi-link if u heard of it
Reply 13
aww u mek me feel so much better! the university of nottingham wa abit like that well i can't rem properly cuz i wa there 2years ago for a law conference abit like medi-link if u heard of it

Bloody hell and i thought my english was bad.. :wink:
wat dya mean er i don't actually speak like that then agen i got a dodgy accent wat can i say.........i did pass english at GCSE!!
Reply 15
pssh - and they say exams are getting easier...
r u being for real!?
Reply 17
there's an asda on the tram line, bout 5 mins from city campus, very handy! the tescos is CRAZY always jammed
hmm i think im gona go there on sat wen i move in to pick up a few things i mite need but i cant cook to save my life!