The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Ok this may appear devious, but it may help :p: doesn't the "have you applied to ucas before" option actually say "please state your previous ucas ID number (if known)"? I just applied, and i genuinely don't know my last number (threw everything away when i realised i couldn't afford to go :rolleyes: ), so i haven't actually lied... then again i have no idea whether they have a system... if you apply to the same course and uni again, i'd have thought it shows you really want to do that course, and you really want to go to that uni, so perhaps if they knew it'd come to your advantage. I know a girl who did that, and that place she applied to last year was the first to give her an offer lol :biggrin:
Reply 2
i never saw that option about 'have you applied to ucas before'?!?
When you click 'section finished' in education, it comes up, 'have you a previous UCAS number?' generally because you're under 2005 leavers, not 2006! I applied on UCAS this year for the second time, and hell no, you're not discriminated against!

If anything, you've a year's experience, post-A-level applicant, who has already made their grades. Don't worry! They're working out if you deferred entry or not.