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Reply 1
what do you think guys and girls?
Reply 2
Went out with my ex for 3 years and never had one from intercourse. Never really even bothered to fake it either. Still enjoyed sex tho
Reminds me of a joke: Why do women fake orgasms?

Because they think we care.

Reply 4
I've always found it very hard to have an orgasm through intercourse and I think most of my mates are the same. It's just not as easy for girls to come as it is for guys. You have to 'press the right buttons' with a girl...the best thing is to find out what turns her on rather than just going for it yourself and asuming she is enjoying it too. There's nothing more annoying than a guy who does that!
Reply 5
Didn't you answer your own question?

"she is just putting on an act to PLEASE ME"
What makes you think that she is faking it? Or that she would fake it?
Reply 7
Reminds me of a joke: Why do women fake orgasms?

Because they think we care.


Why do women fake orgasms?

Because men fake foreplay :rolleyes:

Ahem.... :p: :smile:
Reply 8
It could be for any number of reasons why she might fake it:

She could be tired and what it to be over
She might not be getting enough stimulation to orgasm
She might want to make her partner feel he's an excellent lover

Faking it though, IMO, is counter-productive.

If your lover is crap and can't make you come, it's best to talk to him about it, rather than fake an orgasm. By faking it, you make him think that he's good in bed, when he really isn't.
Reply 9
Thanks for those words of wisdom, you're a cleva fella.
rather than just going for it yourself and asuming she is enjoying it too. There's nothing more annoying than a guy who does that!

I know what you mean. its very annoying :mad:
Reply 11
you just got to hit tha spot up in the joint homey! as in a metaphorical type of joint, i suppose meaning one's abode, not necessarily a point where two bones happen to meet, as i'm sure that would be the wrong spot.
Reply 12
Sex doesn't always have to end in orgasm (even if we want it to). Perhaps it would be nice to just give your girlfriend foreplay to help her orgasm without her feeling she has to give you one (as far too often us guys finish when our poor girlfriends haven't, so it's nice to return the favour). Don't obsess about it, but ask your girlfriend what she likes and if she'd like you to do anything else. If you can talk about these things easily between the two of you, then generally you can do them better!
I don't like the idea of the woman faking, there is no need.

I'm not going to get all grumpy if I can't get her to orgasm before I do, and its best that I know so I can lend a helping hand once I'm done... :rolleyes:

Its just not productive at all.
Reply 14
You should really change your avatar if you're going to talk about's very disconcerting...
I kind of like the contrast :biggrin:
Reply 16
Hard to orgasm from intercourse? My (ex)gf found it easiest to orgasm from sex. She did each time, without exception. Other stuff took longer... But sex was fastest. And most of the time same time as me.
Reply 17
I don't think I've ever faked it...don't see the point. I think in general it is more difficult for girls to orgasm through intercourse alone but definitely is possible. Lots of foreplay and raising the hips (with a pillow or whatever) really helps.

Surely women don't go without orgasms for their ENTIRE lives though, that's crazy!

Or a change in position completely helps, I actually find it harder to work my magic when I'm on top in my current relationship, and this is just due to the phyiscal layout of our bodies, without going to detail.

Once we switch around however, I've been known to outlast her, and alternative methods of fun have had to be employed.
i want sex :frown: ive not done it yet and ive got a really high sex drive and really really want it. :frown: just need a guy first. :frown:

karen x