The Student Room Group
Reply 1
i skipped my lecture this morning be fair im half dead with freshers flu
Reply 2
Yeah, I've got fresher's flu too, and it sucks...made all my lectures though, I'm quite proud of myself!
Reply 3
I think I'm coming down with fresher's flu, going to try not to miss any lectures if I can help it if I do get it. Loved all my lectures so far and don't want to miss any :biggrin:
Reply 4
my flat mates have got it, and loads of people in my lectures just keep coughing/sneezing, hope i dont get it!
Reply 5
I've had three lectures so far, and I've walked in half an hour late to each......not good!
Reply 6
Is it strict in liverpool uni?
Reply 7
Depends on the course/professor, i think, but i think i read somewhere that you can't miss more than 4 in a semester or something...can't quite remember.
Reply 8
Is it strict in liverpool uni?

Well in th lectures I have, there is about 400 medics and dentists in total, so it's kinda hard to keep track, but all PBL classes, anatomy, biochem, oral health etc etc classes are compulsory and if you fail to turn up then you're "severely sanctioned", so I've been told.
Reply 9
Had my first hangover in lecture experience today too :frown: Straight 4 hours of lectures too!
Reply 10
Mad Caddie
Well in th lectures I have, there is about 400 medics and dentists in total, so it's kinda hard to keep track, but all PBL classes, anatomy, biochem, oral health etc etc classes are compulsory and if you fail to turn up then you're "severely sanctioned", so I've been told.

In oxford apart from the lectures where there are 600 math students all the lessons and tutorials are done on a one-to-one basic!

So its easily noticed if we miss a lesson!
Reply 11
Depends on the course/professor, i think, but i think i read somewhere that you can't miss more than 4 in a semester or something...can't quite remember.

hah, i think i went to 4 lectures last term.

the professors don't mind if you turn up or not, but some get annoyed when you stroll i late.