The Student Room Group

Tattoos - Chavvy or classy?

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Reply 80
Original post by -raisa
99% of tattoos are not classy.

However, there are some that I find somewhat nice, like:

Original post by jonski
What if my life resembled a poorly drawn cartoon devil, then would it be ok to get one?

It's always ok to get one - as long as you're legally old enough. Although if you feel that's what your life resembles, a dodgy tattoo might be the least of your worries...
Reply 82
"Chavvy - they're generally tacky, tasteless and chavvy.
Classy - a tattoo makes me look like a right classy bird init."

You defeat the point of gaining a fair poll when you give the assumption that tattoos are chavvy straight off the mark. Personally I don't think tattoos are chavvy; the people who choose to wear them are.
Reply 83
They can look tacky. but done well, they look hot.
But I love tattoos, and I think they look really hot on chicks as well as guys(:
There are people with tattoos that I'd never say are chavs, for example people in rock bands, I'd hardly class them as chavs but saying that I don't think tattoos are classy. When I was in college I liked the idea of having a tattoo but didn't know where or what and I wanted to get my lip pierced but my parents told me not to as I might regret it later, four or five years on and I am really happy I listened to them as now I am not really into the same music I was back then, I don't wear the same kind of clothes I used to wear back then (I used to wear a lot of combat trousers and t shirts in black and dark colours, now I just wear jeans and all sorts of average colour t shirts) and really a tattoo is a lifetime commitment and people change, especially around the ages of teens to twenties.
I chose classy because I don't think all tattoos are chavvy (depends on person and tattoo)

I want 3 tattoos however only one of them will be seen on a daily basis which will be on my wrist! Then shoulder, and lower back. They're all very personal to myself so I don't think that's chavvy...
Reply 86
it seems a bit too simplistic that we must decide between whether tattoos are "chavvy" or "classy". As has been mentioned, you wouldn't call a punk "chavvy". Tattoos are a sign of nonconformism and are popular in several subcultures. The assumption that if you do not aspire to be "classy" you must be "chavvy" also needs to re-evaluated. As well as the word "chav" in itself, which is a derogatory term used to express middle class hatred and mistrust of white working class young people.
Reply 87
Totally depends on the design of the tattoo and who is sporting it. I actually quite like tattoos on some people although I'd be hesitant to get one myself, simply due to permanency of it. I'd also have to think long and hard about an interesting design that I think would still appreciate looking at every day for the rest of my life! :tongue:;
Original post by Mr Sparkles
What do you think?
Are tattoos chavvy and trampy as hell, or are they classy?

Tattoos generally just look awful, A small number of people do genuninely have a good one and it usually cost a lot of money. Back in the days when tattoos were not very common, they could be seen as a bit of individual self expression, nowadays when every chav and his mum have them they just make you look like you have succumbed to the latest chav fad...
As soon as you get a tattoo, you’re basically saying goodbye to ever being described as elegant or classy. When I see a tattoo, my opinion of the person instantly (and irreversibly) changes. It either means they’re rough, or they’re mentally troubled.
Original post by Mr Sparkles
What do you think?
Are tattoos chavvy and trampy as hell, or are they classy?

I make an instant judgement about someone when I see that they have a tattoo. The tattooed individual will instantly lose a whole host of descriptive characteristics for having a tattoo. For example, I would never describe a tattooed person as ‘classy’, ‘elegant’, ‘posh’, ‘respectful’, ‘refined’, etc.

I’m my experience, tattoos are a sign of a narrow mind, unintelligence, trashy background and poverty.

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