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quinoderm acne cream?

hey guys i got told to use quinoderm spot cream by a m8 he said it is great. I am thinking of buying the 5% one first. But a small number of people online said it made it worse but most said it got rid of everything. Have any of you used it or heard of it and what did it do :wink:

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Reply 1
The active ingredient in this cream is benzoyl peroxide - it's a fairly standard ingredient used in a number of acne medications, so from this perspective it's not likely to be any more or less effective than other benzoyl peroxide creams on the market. Benzoyl peroxide is known to be effective against mild acne, so I don't see why it wouldn't work unless you have moderate to severe acne. Just be wary that it can irritate the skin & dry it out (as well as bleach fabrics) - it's best to apply it very sparingly for the first week or two until your skin gets used to it. Bear in mind that online reviews are anecdotal - there will be people out there whose acne got worse, but that doesn't necessarily mean it's linked to the cream. Also, some people (such as me unfortunately!) do have stubborn acne so require prescription medication to get rid of it. Hope that helps...
Reply 2
It made my skin tons worse, probably the worst spot cream i've ever used. It gave me such dry skin
Reply 3
I use this and it's great! It basically burns your face off though, so prepare for dry skin... I find when comboed with Nivea moisturiser it's fine lol
It's very good stuff if you know how to use it!

Trick is to apply quite a bit in one go (I tend to use a pea sized amount for my chin, when it's decided to go hormonal on me) but not to do it too often. Start out with about half of that once per day, then move up to that amount once per day, and then that amount morning and evening. The directions say "up to three times per day" but I don't know anybody who uses it who could take that daily without their face falling off!

Please note that it's more prevention than cure - BP kills the spot-causing bacteria, preferably before they damage your skin. That said, the way it makes your skin flake actually helps to speed up healing (even if the dry skin and slight redness makes a bit more noticeable for the two days it lasts) and generally prevents the red marks that follow spots. So hang in there with it, and if you find the dose too strong mix the 5% half-and-half with aqueous cream to dilute it. Oh, and as recommended above - get yourself a good, non pore-clogging moisturiser because you will need it!
Reply 5
Quinoderm is Benzoyl Peroxide, I used it when I used to get spots when I was younger. Seriously I cannot stress this enough, use 2.5% and stay away from 5 and 10% - research shows that 2.5% does exactly the same as its higher concentrations without leaving peeling, red, blotchy skin.

If you do use 5%, use it VERY sparingly at night before you go to bed. If you don't use it sparingly, you'll know about the effects in the morning when you wash it off - excessive peeling, bright red face, stinging etc. The thing is though, after those symptons subside, and your outer layer of skin peels off (takes about 5 days) your skin will be almost clear. But if you work, attend school/college/university, then I would strongly discourage you from using above 5% because with the effects it leaves on your face, you will be too embarrased to leave your front door!

2.5% is fine, but after applying it, apply moisturiser.
Reply 6
If you're gonna use it all I can say is keep it well away from your eyes and eyebrows, I was stinging for days!
Reply 7
It's awesome. Only recently started using it and could honestly see the difference in a week although it can take up to two months, as with all things you've got to persevere. I started with 10% and def thought it was too much too soon so I suggest start low, get use to it then work up. It works a charm for me! The first time you use it, it WILL sting so I do suggest starting off small and building up gradually unill your skin adjusts to it. It is very drying and would recommend a light moisteriser. Reguarly I use the cream, leave it on for an hour or two then put n some moisteriser over it (I use Simple) and it just takes the edge of it. You'll notice after washing your face in the shower your skin can be very dry and tight, for me at the moment that's worn off. I've read up on it and some say it's done wonders and been fab, others have said the same but then their skin returned to how it was before they started using it and there are those who it makes no difference with. It a wonder for me. I've had no major big spots or breakouts when I've been using it (a few days I've forgotten in the past and it's flared up a bit but that's my fault) but I still get a few blackheads and whiteheads but so much more improved than they were before using it. You can use it up to 3 times a day but I think that's a he'll of a lot. First started doing it morning and evening now I've just reduced it to evening. Oh and one last thing - it stains!!
Reply 8
its the most brilliant thing going. my face soon became resisitant to it, after about a months use. If i have a massive break out, i mix it with a mud pack and have a mask :biggrin:

works wonders,
Reply 9
Original post by Sequin
its the most brilliant thing going. my face soon became resisitant to it, after about a months use. If i have a massive break out, i mix it with a mud pack and have a mask :biggrin:

works wonders,

Quinoderm has been discontinued and I don't know what I could use instead....:frown:
Reply 10
Original post by ss2012
Quinoderm has been discontinued and I don't know what I could use instead....:frown:

Honestly your best bet is to just go to the doctors. Quinoderm/PanOxyl/BP Creams don't cure the underlying bacteria (P. Acne), just stop the symptoms. If you go to the doctors they can treat you with antibiotics that will get rid of them for good, usually starting with a tetracycline of some sort. If that fails, push for a derm referral if it's bad enough/having a significant mental affect on your confidence/self-esteem and they'll prescribe Isotretinoin/Accutane.

I'm currently on Isotretinoin and have been for two months. I didn't have really severe acne but what I did have was seriously getting me down and not shifting after 3 course of different antibiotics. Two months on accutane and my face is practically clear already! It can have some pretty nasty side effects but they've been worth it, haven't felt this good about the way I look and confident in so long!
it's honestly the worst thing in the world
stay clear!
first few times i used it nothing happened then suddenly everywhere i used it just flaked like a skin for days and days it was disgusting i would go out with my head down and cover my face with my hands when i'd talk to someone
and it'd make my skin feel like it was fire but i kept persisting thinking it "means it's working" aha
no wonder it's discontinued
Reply 12
I swear by it!
I got prescribed it from the pharmacy because of acne on my forehead! As long as you dont put it on freshly cleansed (as in two seconds after cleansing, I leave it half an hour or so) or if you have been out in the sun, and if you use a small amount it only burns the first couple of times you use it and only for a few minutes!
Obviously it makes it a little worse when you first start so I wouldn't start a few days before an event or anything, but it really does help and most of my acne had completely gone within a couple of months!
Hope it works for you! :smile:
I absolutely swear by this stuff!! I had mild acne all around my chin and a few spots on my cheeks which were really getting me down. So I spoke to my doctor who said about getting this stuff and it has worked brilliantly. The only thing I would say is that I have incredibly oily skin (Or did have) and my skin got so so dry!! But I used a skin serum from raw skincare which I believe is completely natural and that has helped SO SO much to control the dryness!! Hope it worked well for you!!
Reply 14
I started to use this cream a few days ago and I applied it only at night. Yesterday I noticed my skin has gone very red and dry is this normal or should I go to my doctors or will it calm down after a while?
Reply 15
If you are suffering from acne then i would recommend you to consult dermatologist that would be better for you.
Reply 16
God I hope this thread isn't contagious eurgh
Reply 17

Try this it's really good.. Use daily before applying the cream. Only £5 worth a shot
DONT RECOMENS these medications and lotions and creams your just feeding the skin rubbish chemicals that will make the problem worse
It's only for temporary and then the skin will get use to it . Then stop working

Medications attack the bacteria not the actual problem that's internall

My recommendation would be to , use natural 100% organic remedies
Such as Argan. Oil
Olive oil that's all natural

And rose water or tea tree

Shop at lush their 100% natural as very good for you because the expiration date is within 1-3 months ‪which shoes how natural these ingredients are .

Be a persistent do it 3 times a day
Morning evening and night!

Posted from TSR Mobile
I've just started using the cream and it's made my skin really dry, red and itchy. I'll post a few days later to comment on the results :smile:

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