The Student Room Group

Nottingham's Philosophy Department

Hello! I know I already posted a philosophy/university related post but things have just got stickier. Nottingham has really fun-looking philosophy modules (like philosophy of maths, imagination, AI, philosophy of law, bio-medical ethics, Indian philosophy, philosophy of language... to name a few), but the lower-than-normal average offer (ABC, I believe most Nottingham offers are AAB/ABB) and league table ranking make me wonder how good it'll be. Perhaps I am worrying too much about this, but it's hard. On the Guardian one, you can make your own league tables using the ratings you think are important, which bumped Nottingham up quite a bit, but it's teaching score was only 22/24 (still not exactly low but you know...)

Pretty please tell me what you think. You aren't allowed to comment on me being fastidious over league tables because I don't feel well so that would be mean.

Lots of love
Reply 1
covered farm wa
Hello! I know I already posted a philosophy/university related post but things have just got stickier. Nottingham has really fun-looking philosophy modules (like philosophy of maths, imagination, AI, philosophy of law, bio-medical ethics, Indian philosophy, philosophy of language... to name a few), but the lower-than-normal average offer (ABC, I believe most Nottingham offers are AAB/ABB) and league table ranking make me wonder how good it'll be. Perhaps I am worrying too much about this, but it's hard. On the Guardian one, you can make your own league tables using the ratings you think are important, which bumped Nottingham up quite a bit, but it's teaching score was only 22/24 (still not exactly low but you know...)

Pretty please tell me what you think. You aren't allowed to comment on me being fastidious over league tables because I don't feel well so that would be mean.

Lots of love

You should talk to .NK, she's taking modules in Philosophy right now along side Psychology @ Nottingham
Reply 2
Where do i go to compile my own tables?
Reply 3
covered farm wa
Hello! I know I already posted a philosophy/university related post but things have just got stickier. Nottingham has really fun-looking philosophy modules (like philosophy of maths, imagination, AI, philosophy of law, bio-medical ethics, Indian philosophy, philosophy of language... to name a few), but the lower-than-normal average offer (ABC, I believe most Nottingham offers are AAB/ABB) and league table ranking make me wonder how good it'll be. Perhaps I am worrying too much about this, but it's hard. On the Guardian one, you can make your own league tables using the ratings you think are important, which bumped Nottingham up quite a bit, but it's teaching score was only 22/24 (still not exactly low but you know...)

Pretty please tell me what you think. You aren't allowed to comment on me being fastidious over league tables because I don't feel well so that would be mean.

Lots of love

Emma, please go look at the QAA report that the 'teaching' score is based on - you'll see that most of it has nothing to do with teaching and you may not feel its relevant to your decision. I'm not saying you should go to Nottingham as such, or anywhere else, but why rely on a canned league table rating when you can read the source material. QAA report on Nottingham:
Pick your subject here:,13330,956807,00.html
(You need to scroll down a bit to get to it)

"University rankings" should be highlighted on the green bit. Choose "produce your own ranking" instead. Then at the bottom of the page you can choose how relevent each option is.
Reply 5
I don't think nottingham is very good for philosophy from the various league tables I have read. That said, it's a respectable university but not as good as warwick, durham or york.
Reply 6
You should talk to .NK, she's taking modules in Philosophy right now along side Psychology @ Nottingham

Thanks for recommending me! :biggrin:

I've just finished Moral Philosophy and Self, Mind and Body philosophy this semester and next semester I'm doing Chance in The World and Feminist Philosophy.

Feel free to PM me if you want any info on those modules.
Reply 7
Nottingham is better than Warwick or York in my opinion as it has an excellent mix of work + play. It's not as insular as Warwick (from what i've seen the ppl too) and not as odd as York.