Hello! I know I already posted a philosophy/university related post but things have just got stickier. Nottingham has really fun-looking philosophy modules (like philosophy of maths, imagination, AI, philosophy of law, bio-medical ethics, Indian philosophy, philosophy of language... to name a few), but the lower-than-normal average offer (ABC, I believe most Nottingham offers are AAB/ABB) and league table ranking make me wonder how good it'll be. Perhaps I am worrying too much about this, but it's hard. On the Guardian one, you can make your own league tables using the ratings you think are important, which bumped Nottingham up quite a bit, but it's teaching score was only 22/24 (still not exactly low but you know...)
Pretty please tell me what you think. You aren't allowed to comment on me being fastidious over league tables because I don't feel well so that would be mean.
Lots of love