The Student Room Group

living with gf in student accommodation??

hmm i couldnt find another thread so forgive me if someone's already asked this.. or a similar question to this anyway..

thing is im gonna be applying to go to uni next year and my gf's just started her A levels.. she says she'll go to where i go to uni and finish her college there. Would she be allowed to live in student accommodation with me and will i have to pay extra?
anyone been in this situation before?

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Some universitys do have guest rooms, but I realy dont know how long you can pay to stay in them. If you realy want to live together then why not rent a flat?
Reply 2
yeah thats an option.. im just thinking of which one's cheaper really heh
Reply 3
yeah thats an option.. im just thinking of which one's cheaper really heh

The cheapest option would be for both of you to come and stay in my room :p:
Anyways...IF she stays in Your room then no body has to pay any extra fees. Obviously if they notice that she's going there regulary they will not allow it. She could also stay in Guests rooms, again for a limited number of days (we have to pay around £10 pn here).

You have to sign in whos coming and going into ur hall as a guest even if its for a couple of hrs, but how would they know? unless they recognize people's u can get away with not signing in.

So u can't live with her on Long-term bases HOWEVER once ur at uni u could apply for shared accommodation and ask them to if they could allocate you a room. U gotto be careful because if u say ur a couple then they 'd allocate u couple's accommodation which is usually more expensive than the shared ones.
Reply 4
im goin 2 essex uni and they offer accomodation for couples and so my bf is living with me and hes not a student!
Reply 5
rent a flat? well im guessing she's only 16 and you're a student at 18..........not feasable is it really? either go to a local uni, break up and have a long distance relationship
Reply 6
my gf's just started her A levels

Are you lesbians or have you forgotten to change your profile's gender :eek: ! This is NOT an insult btw. :wink:
Reply 7

forget the previous question
Reply 8
Just one thing: has she really thought about moving college half way through her a-levels? Cos other than having to find somewhere that uses the same exam board and does the subjects you've got the other issue of the social aspect. You will want to go out with your new uni mates and she will take a while to make new friends at college and it could be an unnecessary strain on your relationship. Just think about it carefully for both your sakes.
Reply 9
Most Unis do accomodation for couples or families, but it's usually snapped up by mature students or Johnny Foreigner.

You'd probably have less hassle getting some private accomodation.
Reply 10
that ****ing johnny foreigner, him and carlos kickaball have ruined british football
Reply 11
My boyfriend was just starting his 4th year of uni as I was starting my first. We got a flat together last year and we have a house this year. I'd say it worked out cheaper than living in halls. But you should make sure she is certain about moving, because doing it part way through A Levels could really affect her grades and then she might not even get into the uni your at.
Reply 12
thanks.. how much do prices for couples accommodation compare to other student accommodation?
Reply 13
Couples accommodation is generally a little more expensive than 'single' accommodation, if your uni actually has it. It's impossible to give you a price, have a look on the website of your uni - but bear in mind that there is very little of it, and priority will definitely be given to older and married students. A bedsit would probably be a lot cheaper, in the long run. Sorry ...
Reply 14
we're engaged and probably will have our civil partnership by then..

i'll look on the uni websites though, if they dont have info i guess emailing them be the thing to do :smile:
Reply 15
we're enganed and probably will have our civil partnership by then..

i'll look on the uni websites though, if they dont have info i guess emailing them be the thing to do :smile:

engaged? shes 16 and still a child...........

infact its illegal to get married without parental consent
Reply 16
Dj Nastie
engaged? shes 16 and still a child...........

infact its illegal to get married without parental consent

yes and just so u know she asked me to marry her not the other way around so im not taking advantage of her or anything..
Reply 17
I had a one bed flat in college accommodation which I shared with my boyfriend when I did my last degree.

However, that was Oxford, where they have a huge housing stock, and it's almost unheard of for universities to have couples accommodation, especially for undergraduates.
Reply 18
we're engaged and probably will have our civil partnership by then..

i'll look on the uni websites though, if they dont have info i guess emailing them be the thing to do :smile:

Don't do the civil partnership thing - it can really **** you over when it comes to your student loan...
Reply 19
your probably much better renting a flat near the university, you don't want to live with a load of noise if I was you and had a partner Id want peace.