The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Reply 2
ok?...wat heloooooooo i need sum help!................................can u help me????
Reply 3
Try talking to him?
Reply 4
ok thats a good idea!.........if he wasnt so shy around me! ok maybe i should say more bout him huh? right well hes scottish with blond hair , gorgeous eyes! really nice teeth! always smilling my dirrection! he he! is VERY shy ! and always goes pink when i say sumfing to him!
Reply 5
Is it me or do these "I fancy this guy please help me" topics get ever more asinine each time one is made?
Reply 6
i just need help!
Reply 7
i just need help!

Well it seems to me the help you require is the same as the help suggested in all the other topics. But c'mon it hardly requires powerful mental abilities to deduce that if he isn't going to speak to you then in order to do anything you should speak to him. Basically you should find anyway of doing that - if you can't then just give up and let someone else you like chat you up. Remeber though that if he's shy hes hardly likely to have had large amounts of female attention and therefore would be most likely to be flattered if you spoke to him - I really don't think he'd be picky. In fact that advice is the same for 99.9% of these threads.
Reply 8
Find out somehow whether you share any interests? If you are both in a particular club, society or ensemble at school then that would make talking to him a bit easier.
Reply 9
ARghh I'm sure that there are millions of other threads like these. You could look through them and maybe you'll get more ideas.

Here's some help, since I'm feeling generous today.All you need to do, is talk to him and get to know him well AND also take it slowly.... :rolleyes:

After all, I find it quite annoying that people fancy someone and don't talk to him/her much and then you tell him/her that you wanna go out...etc (It doesn't work if you rush it). :wink:
Reply 10
just dont go out wit any1 like me! believe me it suks!
Reply 11
well if he's shy, be prepared to do most of the talking. But I'm sure as you talk to him more, he will become more comfortable around you and be less shy. But don't ask him out straight away because it might be kind of over-whelming.
Reply 12
just dont go out wit any1 like me! believe me it suks!
