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I read that Palmers cocoa butter is supposed to be good for them. I've no idea how, but if you check the bottle it should say!
yeah, stuff like that is good, but don't stress too much, as they *will* fade with time
Reply 3
my god !

i have so many and dont know how to get rid of it !

any suggestions ?


Go to pharmacy and ask for Bio oil. Its very oily hence the name and apprently helps fade the stretch marks. If you actually have the marks before the scar tissue has set I really advise you use it pronto to stop them growing.

All the best.
Reply 4
can u get rid of strech marks? i soo need it!
Reply 5
the stuff to get rid of them
Reply 6
Hamstrings, inner thighs, biceps, side of stomach, bottom of back, just under my armpits.

Gotta love 'em :wink:
Reply 7
stretch marks may fade slightly over time to those silvery lines you get, but they wont completely go away. The oils and stuff work best as prevention, to improve the elasticity of the skin but they dont make stretchmarks disappear. Only some kind of laser thing can do it apparently
Reply 8
Stretch marks never go away, they just fade to this sort of white/silver colour and leave indents in your skin. Everybody has them don't worry.
yea i have them, i started using palmers coca butter, but i dont want to go through the hassle of laser treatment . however, if you go to your doctor and tell them that it is affecting you pyshologically then your might be able to refer you on the NHS. mine are quite bad and i hate them so much.
Mine faded to white.
mine really annoy me, they are sooooooo awful
Reply 12
they usually fade in time.

don't worry about. It aint a big deal.
Reply 13
Its tougher when your skin colour is darker because then they're sooo much more noticable, which is my case.
Reply 14
I have them on either side of my stomach they are not nice!
Reply 15
I have them on my stomach, used to think they were surfacing veins... OOH ER! But allegedly as I lose weight and become less of a balloon, they will become ever more abundant... I think they fade with time, however.
where can i buy some
Reply 17
can stretch marks vary in colour?
Ive got hideous stretch matks on my back and top of my thighs... Icky.
Reply 19
There was a column about stretch marks in today's Guardian, including some advice on getting rid of them:,,1582122,00.html