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Reply 20
Thats cracking! Lol, how convenient for the thread starter!!
Reply 21
my god !

i have so many and dont know how to get rid of it !

any suggestions ?


Lay off the sweets porky :wink:
Reply 22
Silly boy - you get stretch marks just from going through puberty (read the article!)
Reply 23
Reply 24
i never noticed that i'd ever had any before, but i noticed recently some very thin white scars on my hips and they look like they could have been stretch marks...?

As for getting rid of them, i don't think you can but they will definately fade in time
bio oil i supposed 2 be wicked and it looks wicked it just me or does anyone else find strech marks cool rather then unattractive...??

i do have a feeling that i might be in the minority though

stretch marks may fade slightly over time to those silvery lines you get, but they wont completely go away. The oils and stuff work best as prevention, to improve the elasticity of the skin but they dont make stretchmarks disappear. Only some kind of laser thing can do it apparently


they suck. :mad:
bone-machine it just me or does anyone else find strech marks cool rather then unattractive...??

i do have a feeling that i might be in the minority though


i've got stretch marks. i think most girls do too. its the last thing on my mind.
i've got stretch marks. i think most girls do too. its the last thing on my mind.

its not my main concern or anything but id rather not have them. if there is a way of getting rid of them by just using a simple oil then why not?