Hey just need a bit of advice on some of these homework questions,
1)How are the hydrogen molecules held together in liquid hydrogen?
In a loosened covalent bond.
2)Explain why methane has a higher boiling temperature than hydrogen. (H2 Tb/k= 21 and CH4 Tb/k = 112)
Methane has a higher boiling temperature as it contains 4 covalent bond so needs more energy than H2 which only has 1 covalent bond.
3) The electronegativity of hydrogen, carbon and chlorine are 2.1, 2.5 and 3.0, respectively. Use these values to exaplin why the boiling temperature of hydrogen chloride is greather than that of methane. ( HCL Tb/K = 188)
No idea about this one all I can think is it's a different type of bonding in HCl...