The Student Room Group

Love triangle problems

I have problems.

First of all I have my girlfriends, who is very nice, caring, funny and loving towards me.

I have another friend who is a girl, which I love so much- Im always happy to see them, Im happy to be around them. If they sad, it makes me really sad. If they are happy, im happy. I dont think they share the same feelings towards me!

What would u do, stick with the loving and caring girlfriend or try my chances with my other friend who doesnt seem to have the same feeling?
Reply 1
Stick with your girlfriend
stick with the girlfriend :biggrin:
Reply 3
Stick with the girlfriend.
Reply 4
why though?
Reply 5
Anyone going to disagree? lol
Reply 6
im not,
Stick with the girlfriend.
Reply 7
stick with the girlfriend
I have problems.

First of all I have my girlfriends, who is very nice, caring, funny and loving towards me.

I have another friend who is a girl, which I love so much- Im always happy to see them, Im happy to be around them. If they sad, it makes me really sad. If they are happy, im happy. I dont think they share the same feelings towards me!

What would u do, stick with the loving and caring girlfriend or try my chances with my other friend who doesnt seem to have the same feeling?

What have you got to lose sticking with your girlfriend? How much could you lose if you go for the other friend?

Looks a bit one-sided to me.