The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Okay.... for about a year (?) I've had this lmp behind my ear, near my ear lobe. Recently I've noticed it's getting bigger/more painful and I've been getting earaches, and today my hearing wasn't so good in it for a while. What could it be??? :confused:

My guess is a fluid build up.. but don't quote me on that. Your really should get it seen by your GP.
Reply 2
Doccy time perhaps - try and get it checked out =0)
Try not to panic also x
Won't it get better on its own?
Won't it get better on its own?

if its been ayear, my guess is no :smile:
I forgot to mention its v. small... maybe I'm just a hypochondriac:smile:
id be worried if there was a small imp living behind my ear for a year to be honest, although maybe we'd come to some sort of arrangement...
Reply 7
Charge it rent :P
Reply 8
Go To The Doctors!! Tsr Is Not A Surgery

eh why when I wrote that in capitals has in come out half and half
Yes, but in case you didn't notice there is a whole discussion lounge titled "Health and Relationships". I don't know what kind of threads you want on here!
Since it causes pain, definitely see a doctor! It is a reason for concern, but not panic.
We can operate. However, we don't have a license, and results are mixed.
Reply 12
Yeah I think I know what this is. My sister had one when she had an ear infection last month - the doctor told her it was an inflamed lymph node. Apparently, you get a swelling behind your ear if there is an infection in the vicinity (in my sister's case, it was an infected piercing). Doc said it would go down when the infection disappeared, put her on a course of antibiotics and both the infection and the lump have since completely gone. Go to your GP and get some medicine, mate - it's nothing to worry about and can be easily rectified. :biggrin: