The Student Room Group
Reply 1
stop drinking beer!

Nah, it's freshers week - wait till you get into a more routine schedule, and see if your weight balances out again. If not, join some sort of sports team/club - uni's great for that - or alternatively you're union will probably have a gym.
Reply 3
less alcohol..
Reply 4
You can't put on a lot of weight in a week. You're probably just bloated because of eating too much carb, not sleeping well, PMS or something. But it's a good thing you addressed your problem so early :smile: Don't drink much (loads of calories in alcohol) or try the light ciders and diet bacardi breezers. Join your university's gym or maybe a sports society. Eat healthily even though it might be more expensive than eating rubbish.

Edit: And remember that most girls wish to be about two sizes smaller than guys would wish them to be. We all think we're fat, but guys think we're really fit anyway :biggrin: Don't stress about your weight, have a good time at uni.
Reply 5
Thanks for the replies. I haven't been eating/sleeping well or in a regular pattern really, because of Freshers Week. Now I'm starting lectures I hope I can get into a set routine and get my weight back down

Thanks again :smile:
Reply 6
Edit: And remember that most girls wish to be about two sizes smaller than guys would wish them to be. We all think we're fat, but guys think we're really fit anyway :biggrin: Don't stress about your weight, have a good time at uni.

very, very true!

Alcohol is full of calories.
1 PINT of GUINESS has as many calories as 2 FULL ROAST DINNERS
Ridiculous, how is a bloke meant to drink and not look like a blob
Reply 8
Meat Loaf Rocks
Alcohol is full of calories.
1 PINT of GUINESS has as many calories as 2 FULL ROAST DINNERS
Ridiculous, how is a bloke meant to drink and not look like a blob

would LOVE to know where you got your info from because according to my sources a pint has under 200 calories... roast dinners vary but there is NO WAY that a roast dinner is 100 calories unless you eat a miniscule portion! we're looking more at 600+ calories...
Reply 9
would LOVE to know where you got your info from because according to my sources a pint has under 200 calories... roast dinners vary but there is NO WAY that a roast dinner is 100 calories unless you eat a miniscule portion! we're looking more at 600+ calories...

I was just about to say the same thing. And my name on msn is ellabella at the moment. Scary :eek:
You don't have to go to the gym, but maybe pick up swimming or running. Walk a lot...
Don't go for soda and a quick chocolate bar between lectures.

And once you are back on a normal schedule/routine, it will sort itself out !
Reply 11
I was just about to say the same thing. And my name on msn is ellabella at the moment. Scary :eek:

lol! oooh freaky!

and sexy sax - don't worry, as the others have said, it's probably temporary weight gain. if you're *really* concearned you could write a food diary for the next week to see what kind of choices you're making, then see if there's any way you could adapt your choices to be healthier, if you need to. for example, replacing unhealthy deserts with fruit and yogurt, or choosing a tuna salad sandwich on wholewheat bread as opposed to a cheeseburger! but allow yourself the odd treat to stop yourself from going maaaaad.

you may find that your diet is already healthy, your weight has stabilised (it could possibly be due to using different scales?), and you're happy with your body and lifestyle already! try to focus on health, not weight. if you feel healthy, are getting enough nutrients and not too much saturated fat, enough exercise and sleep, then you should look great, and be able to function great for uni.

the suggestions about the alcohol may well be true. perhaps you could set yourself a few limits. would you prefer to have a little alcohol every night, or more alcohol on one night? (not encouraging getting totally wasted there, your choice though, i know i'd prefer to just get properly drunk once a week).
Reply 12
nat i bet u havent put on weight!!!! just get settled into uni and everything will seem rosy again:biggrin:
Reply 13
im the complete opposite, been at uni for over 2 weeks now and im sure ive lost weight. I think its down to the fact that lunch isnt served here and breakfast is at 7:30 so im never up for it, thus leading to me eating once every 24 hours (48 if i miss dinner as have donw 3 times)