The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Err..What is wrong with me?? If there's someone who I like, and he asks me out, I don't really feel interested. Then when he gets someone else, I start liking him agan and then really want to go out with him. OMG It's really annoying but I can't help feeling like this. What to do??

Sounds like a classic case of only wanting what you can't have.
That situation would get tricky if you fell in love with yourself.
Reply 3
I'm the exact same and it sooks :frown: .. Just force yourself sometimes if you think there might be a chance you will like them if you really get to know them. Thats what i do.
That's good. Act on false feelings. Boyd.
Err..What is wrong with me?? If there's someone who I like, and he asks me out, I don't really feel interested. Then when he gets someone else, I start liking him agan and then really want to go out with him. OMG It's really annoying but I can't help feeling like this. What to do??

I agree with K'uin K'ra.
I really don't what to advise you (as it would be a self-advice to myself), but at least you have realised that you like a challenge- you wouldn't want someone to come after, but probably you feel that you need to catch the prize. Of course, it is annoying... but maybe you should cure yourself out of this, and give a guy a chance when he asks you out.
Reply 6
Thanks ppl :smile:
Sigh I don't know, it is quite crappy cos I have been single for too long because of this! It sounds awful but when I do give them a chance I even get annoyed and feel cringey just being around them. Totally sux! :|
Reply 7
Err..What is wrong with me?? If there's someone who I like, and he asks me out, I don't really feel interested. Then when he gets someone else, I start liking him agan and then really want to go out with him. OMG It's really annoying but I can't help feeling like this. What to do??

I just kinda got myself in the same situation..
I've had kinda on/off relationships with this girl for about 3 years, and she's always wanted more than me, and this time I realised I really do wanna be with her (I've been thinking it for a while but just got the guts like a week ago) ... and I think its too late now. Bugger.