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Reply 1
There's no simple way to answer that. Personally I look for a guy who's intelligent and interesting and can challange me. The guys that me and my friends are interested in are totally different and we've never fancied the same guy. Confidence and a sense of humour are always good, though.
Reply 2
Just be yourself pal and you can't go wrong.

Nice location btw " i live in yorkshire where there's five sheep to every person" lol, hilarious. :biggrin:
Good sex. Always.
Reply 4
i look for someone who can just make me smile everytime i see him. anyone who can make you laugh is attractive

lou xxx
I'd say intelligent conversation is absolutely vital for me. I just couldn't deal with a boyfriend who couldn't challenge me intellectually. However, a sense of humour similar to mine [ie. pretty sick!] and being attractive are pretty important too.
Reply 6
When girls are younger, it's all about the guy who has looks that correspond to the social standard (so currently, being a bit of a pretty boy is always good) and who's popular. That gives them the status they want. If you've pulled a guy like that, you can't be bad yourself...

When you're older, the social status comes more from the job, the money and a physique that offers security rather than style.

That's why you see loads of girls pulling pretty boys when they're young but when you're 30, having a great-looking boyfriend who still cleans dishes doesn't really give you the popularity that it did when you were 16. So they all start going for guys who have a better financial status.
Reply 7
intellegent conversation comes first without a doubt...if you don't have that, what do you have?! Are you just going to sit and talk about nothing?! Other things are still important obviously, but i'd say that is a major priority.
Reply 8
When girls are younger, it's all about the guy who has looks that correspond to the social standard (so currently, being a bit of a pretty boy is always good) and who's popular. That gives them the status they want. If you've pulled a guy like that, you can't be bad yourself...

When you're older, the social status comes more from the job, the money and a physique that offers security rather than style.

That's why you see loads of girls pulling pretty boys when they're young but when you're 30, having a great-looking boyfriend who still cleans dishes doesn't really give you the popularity that it did when you were 16. So they all start going for guys who have a better financial status.

I never thought about it like that-i guess your right
intelligent, creative...
Reply 10
Charisma first.
how can you really prefer one of the options? you could be having great conversation, but if you arent attracted, and the sex is crap then it obviously wont work. or if youre with someone whos really great looking but who has no conversational skills, and sex is bad then again it wont work. need an all of the above option! :biggrin:
Reply 12
ive always thought gd looks but quite recently i really fell for one of my mates n i never really found him attractive but i loved bein able to talk to him bout anythin n knowin that he cares and bein able to have a gd conversation! ever since we kissed ive bin smittin with him n i think hes gorgeous, as for the sex bit i spose that has to b decent dont it! as for me n my mate it dint really end too gd but ah well xXx
Are you being ironic by spelling intelligent incorrectly?
"What do girls prefer?" me

any questions?
Reply 15
Someone that can make me laugh, and that I can talk easily to. Any guys that there ends up being awkward pauses with is a definite no, no matter how good looking he is!
i'd like to think that my girlfriend loves me cos i've got a good personality, not because i'm ugly as sin! :P
I think that personality and similar interests are very important!
a guy that can make me laugh....thats all i need
Reply 19
chemistry :wink: