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Reply 1
As far as I'm aware he actually attended Oxford, but dropped out during first year. Don't know which college, I'm afraid.
Reply 2
what the hell? didnt know that he is clever but why the hell has he become what he is now????
Reply 3
Pete Doherty was offered a place at Oxford to read English - just curious to know which college - does anyone know?

:rofl: no, he didnt!

He went to Queen Mary's, University of London, and dropped out.

Pete Doherty at Oxford?! :rofl:

Whatever next, Eminem at Harvard?
You sure he didn't got Oxford? It's on Wikipedia, which is pretty accurate most of the time, given its format.
Reply 5
that's interesting, because on, which is actually wikipedia pretty much, it has the same entire entry, except it states "...and was accepted on an English literature course at the University of London. He dropped out of this course in his first year, however..."
Reply 6
Wikipedia normally state half a truth.
An example would be one person who graduated at QMU and went to do a masters at UCL for example. In wikipedia, it would state that Mr Joe Bloggs graduated or studied at UCL.

Maybe he dropped out of both LOL!
I think the Oxford rumour arose to romanticise his life story. I think in the newspapers a few years ago there were articles about him getting millions of A*s in his GCSEs and As in his A-levels, and wasn't it so sad what he had become? He probably did do quite well in his exams (he went to public school... not the working-class East ender he tries to make out in his music) so he might have gone to a really good University. UCL, Oxford and Queen Mary all have good reputations.
Reply 8
Pete Doherty at Oxford?! :rofl:

The BBC has said Pete definitely got accepted to Oxford but it is sketchy on the details. I certainly believe it, he's widely considered a bloody intelligent fellow and people seem to constantly go on about his good exam results and some British Council poetry thing.
Reply 9
Well, he can't be that clever...he's a smacked up waster!
Reply 10
He had just finished his A-levels and was offered a place at the University of London to study English literature, but there was never any pressure on him to do well academically

In an article in the Independant.
Reply 11
Well, he can't be that clever...he's a smacked up waster!

no more smacked up than the rest of the music industry, Pretty much every semi successful band is on drugs, Pretty much every successful band in history has been involved in hard drugs, and I'm sure you'll agree that alot of them are intelligent.

I love the way they make out pete doherty is the only one.

(also alot of people pick up drug habits at uni, so, even though he dropped out, or what ever happend, and wasn't on smack at uni, its hardly surprising that intelligent people take drugs, infact look back through history, alot of the most prolific song writers, authors and poets have been on somthing or other)
Reply 12
"If you don't believe drugs have done good things for us, then go home and burn all your records, all your tapes, and all your CDs because every one of those artists who have made brilliant music and enhanced your lives? RrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrEAL ****ing high on drugs. The Beatles were so ****ing high they let Ringo sing a few songs."

- Bill Hicks
no more smacked up than the rest of the music industry, Pretty much every semi successful band is on drugs, Pretty much every successful band in history has been involved in hard drugs, and I'm sure you'll agree that alot of them are intelligent.

I love the way they make out pete doherty is the only one.

(also alot of people pick up drug habits at uni, so, even though he dropped out, or what ever happend, and wasn't on smack at uni, its hardly surprising that intelligent people take drugs, infact look back through history, alot of the most prolific song writers, authors and poets have been on somthing or other)

Exactly Lewis Caroll wrote Alice in Wonderland off his skull on opium. Which come to think of it makes no sense.
Snoop Dogg i read in a interview now has his weed habit under control and smokes an ounce a day :rolleyes:
Snoop Dogg i read in a interview now has his weed habit under control and smokes an ounce a day :rolleyes:

Well that's a relief. :rolleyes: Coleridge wrote this after an opium-induced siesta apparently.
"If you don't believe drugs have done good things for us, then go home and burn all your records, all your tapes, and all your CDs because every one of those artists who have made brilliant music and enhanced your lives? RrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrEAL ****ing high on drugs. The Beatles were so ****ing high they let Ringo sing a few songs."

- Bill Hicks

Load of rubbish. theres a difference between high and wasted like Doherty. However the Libertines made good music...
Reply 16
Pete Doherty has always (well not actually always, but at least before the libertines) been into drugs, everything the libertines have ever done has been on drugs.

Its just the tabloids getting excited because he's got a fit/famous girlfriend.
Reply 17
The Libertines are good. Babyshambles are crap, and never turn up to gigs.
That's not completely true they showed up to most of their gigs this summer and though i didn't see them apparently they were incredible at leeds
Reply 19
Apparently Doherty did go to Oxford, dont know what college though. Anyone know where Radiohead went? I saw Shambles - they were awesome, i especially enjoyed the bit where they trashed their kit and threw it into the crowd!