The Student Room Group

My Girlfriend has gone nuts

OK. Its confirmed my girl friend has gone mad. All day, we have been suggesting going to London to see a theatre production- we agreed to go.

We went on MSN to sort out the details-she was pulling to see Billy Eillot-I was pushing for the Blood Brothers-I finally gave in- and said I go see Billy Eillot. Thats when she went pyscho, nuts, mad etc. She became really hostile and aggressive such as calling me boring, saying really nasty things about me.

Although I was about to lose my temper, i kept it cool. She then said she might go to Imax, she then said she go back on MSN at 9pm, she never turned up, got an email, saying now, that she cant go on, MSN or London tommorow.

So tommorow, im free, should I try and contact her and see whats she up to or should I go out somewhere else and just leave her?

Does anyone have a clue what could be possible going through her head coz i have no clue?

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Reply 1
I have nooooo idea what's going on there I'm afraid. Are you sure you didn't miss anything out? I'd cakk her and see what what's up.
Reply 2
Yeah, you should probably ring her up, looks like you havent got the whole picture.
I'd have a trawl through your MSN conversation (if you've still got it) and make sure you didn't say something she took the wrong way or whatever. Sounds a bit psycho if there was no reason.
Reply 4
So you agreed to see the play she wanted to see then she went nuts. I think you should dump her, she's obv. crazy
hormones my dear, talk to her in the morning, she might feel better! Speaking of the theatre though, im planning to see phantom of the opera soon.
Reply 6
Lauren Hart
hormones my dear, talk to her in the morning, she might feel better! Speaking of the theatre though, im planning to see phantom of the opera soon.

I saw Phantom Of The Opera in November...I dont reccomend it :eek: and I love Phantom :biggrin:

I still want some advise.
how old are you, and how old is she?
Reply 8
how old are you, and how old is she?

Im 17 and she has just turned 18.
Reply 9
Lauren Hart
hormones my dear, talk to her in the morning, she might feel better! Speaking of the theatre though, im planning to see phantom of the opera soon.

Ahhh! :biggrin: *reps*
Blood brothers is cool, make sure you watch it one day.

then go see it, Her Majesty's Theatre, not too pricey either.
Reply 13


Orgasms together with BlueAngel

Edit: And to make a relevant point to this thread, I suggest you ditch billy elliot and blood brothers and go see phantom of the opera instead :biggrin:
*runs away, very quickly*
Reply 15
Icy Ghost
Orgasms together with BlueAngel

Edit: And to make a relevant point to this thread, I suggest you ditch billy elliot and blood brothers and go see phantom of the opera instead :biggrin:

I already seen it, TBH im listening to the soundtrack now :biggrin:
Reply 16
I'd say give her a couple of hours to calm down (maybe something unrelated upset her) then send her a tentative text to see if she wants to talk. I wouldn't be forceful about it, but make sure she knows you know something was up. Hopefully she'll want to talk, then I'd call her and let her talk.
If she doesn't reply, or says she doesn't want to talk, I'd wait until she contacts you.

Maybe not wholly useful to you, but that's what I'd do, and seems more relevant that talk of PotO!
Reply 17
I already seen it, TBH im listening to the soundtrack now :biggrin:

OMG so am I! :marchmell
sings *pass the point of no return, no backward glances, the games we've played til now are at an end, na na na na naa, na na na na naa*

sorry Im taking over your thread.
People who can't control their hormones are stupid.

Dude, she sounds mental. Are you sure it's not her birthday or something?