OK. Its confirmed my girl friend has gone mad. All day, we have been suggesting going to London to see a theatre production- we agreed to go.
We went on MSN to sort out the details-she was pulling to see Billy Eillot-I was pushing for the Blood Brothers-I finally gave in- and said I go see Billy Eillot. Thats when she went pyscho, nuts, mad etc. She became really hostile and aggressive such as calling me boring, saying really nasty things about me.
Although I was about to lose my temper, i kept it cool. She then said she might go to Imax, she then said she go back on MSN at 9pm, she never turned up, got an email, saying now, that she cant go on, MSN or London tommorow.
So tommorow, im free, should I try and contact her and see whats she up to or should I go out somewhere else and just leave her?
Does anyone have a clue what could be possible going through her head coz i have no clue?