The Student Room Group

Long Winded- But It's Troubling Me!

Ok, i've just started at uni and have a bit of a dilemma! On the second day, I bumped into a guy that I used to know, whom i didnt know was also starting atthe same uni. We used to work together and were quite close, and alsthough it was clear that we both liked each other, noting really happened despite going on a few dates. We fell out a year ago and both got new numbers so lost touch. However, we bumped into each other in a bar two weeks ago, and exchanged numbers. All the flirting started again, and it was quite obvious that he was interested. He text me the next day asking to meet up in town, although we didnt actualy do so as his lecture ran on a little longer than he'd expected. However, the next night, I bumped into him again in a club. I was with a group from my halls, and he was with a group from his. He came over to me and was really drunk, I wasnt at this point, so might have seemed a little off-ish. He went into a mood and got in with a girl who lives in his block every time I looked over. My friend noticed that, when I wasn't looking at them, they didnt even speak to one another. The night ended with us blanking each other.
The next morning , I called him, deciding to operate a little girly- psychology type conversation. I 'apologised' for anything i'd done that offended him, and that i didnt realise that he had a gf, and shouldnt have text. He was keen to tell me that she wasnt his gf.
Anyway, on monday, we bumped into each other again. He was once again very friendly. The girl in question was also there and I noticed that she seemed very friendly with lots of other guys and I didnt see them together that night. I once again saw him in a club last night with the same group, which includes the girl and her friend. I went over to say hi at the table they were sitting. There was so much hostility from her it was unreal. Im not sure if he noticed but she quickly tried to get him awat from me. Later in the night, she and her friend were dancing with him, trying their best to make sure i saw. I just didnt get the impression that he had any intention of getting more friendly with her though.

RIGHT- my problem is this...
1. I've never even spoken to these girls, and nothing has happened with me and X besides a tiny bit of flirting etc
2. so why the hostility?
3. ive called him today and he didnt answer, strange that he did prior to last night.
4. should i say anything about the nastiness, contsant dirty looks and rudeness of these girls next time i see him which will no doubt be on monday?
5. what would YOU do in this situation?

I know his sounds so childish, but its really bugging me!

thanks in advance for any replies x
Kim you sound lke a lovely girl with her head on her shoulders, I admire what you did by giving him a second chance the night after he was drunk and getting into that hostile girl.

However, she clearly is a leech and he's digging it cos he allows her to constantly be around, I think this guy is loving the attention he is getting and is being an ass by keeping his options open.

Personally I wouldn't stand for it, and I'd just not play along with his little game.

As for the girl, well, what can I say? We are strange animals and hate competition lol, but being with him would mean putting up with her. She hasn't even made the effort to get to know you, but with the way she's treating you, I wouldn't want to know her.

I think those two deserve each other.

Kim you seem like a lovely girl, so I suggest you go down to the athletic union and get in with the rugby team lol :wink: hehe!
Reply 2
Ah, thanks for that- i completely agree and that's what i'm gonna do. I'm not planning on blanking him or anything- I don't wwant to seem bothered. But he will approach me, so do you think it'd be a good idea to mention her bitchiness?! It just strikes me as wierd that she's launced this vendetta on me and I can't think why she's behaving like this?!
I wouldn't mention it, I wouldn't give her the satisfaction of letting her know tht she's gotten to you cos he'll tell her, know what I mean?

You just play it cool as a cucumber, and one day (probably pretty soon) he'll kick himself for being such a mong, and you'll have a sweet, considerate fit rugby player on your arm lol :wink: