There definitely have been a few surprises with oxford applicants this year, but what i find really quite upsetting is when people accuse others of having been offered a place for the wrong reasons. It seems fairly obvious that that candidate was the magnate's son but perhaps he just got along really well with the tutor.
Usually i hate people who make satements like the one i just made as they dont know how much of a dick the applicant may have been, but i feel strongly about this simply because that is exactly what people are saying about me!
I definitely didnt get the highest grades in my school for my GCSEs, but before applying for French and Spanish i did a lot of outside reading of literature and got 4As at AS and a good reference. However, girls at my school who, in my opinion, are far more deserving of Oxford offers than me (they worked while i did bugger all throughout my GCSEs) were not offered places whereas i was...
Both of my parents are foreign (USA, Switz) and so have no contacts in Oxford and i also know that even if they DID want to buy me a place they wouldnt know where to begin. So all i can attribute this discrepancy in offers to is different colleges. The girl that has spread the rumours about me (i paid £130,000 apparently!) applied for the same course but to a much 'better' college - Brasenose when i applied to St Peter's so there were obviously more competition.
I have tried telling her (and all the others she has poisoned against me) this but she is adament that i must have paid to have been offered a place when she wasnt. So PLEASE guys, get the facts from the rich kid BEFORE talking about him, cos maybe theres a viable reason (or maybe he's just a money grubbing daddys boy.... either way....)