program that allows sharing of films, music, whatever, over the lancaster lan. the main site is blocked by ISS at the uni, but i got it and will host somehwere soon so everyone can download and start sharing!
Im not sure if it works right across campus anymore it used to up I think with the new South West colleges the network is now divided so you may only be able to connect with a few colleges not all and ones that a local to you.
hey dudes i think they disconnected my connection only just got the net back. so be warned dont leave it open all day when sharing loads of big stuff eg dvdrips. if your sharing music should be ok tho.
to share folders go to "sharing" at top, then "add share" and selet folder.
does anyone know how you actually start downloading things of this?cos i installed it fine but im not great first time around with things like this!! -------------- never mind
I have it but I can't get it to work. It works for my flat mate though! Although I can get onto "My Network Places" and there are loads of movies/games/music on there and he can't
Slightly off topic ( and nerdy, please don't hurt me! ) but has anyone got World of Warcraft to work?
Also, does anyone know how to get ftp access working? I'm being moaned at by the players of my game to update things.
I have it but I can't get it to work. It works for my flat mate though! Although I can get onto "My Network Places" and there are loads of movies/games/music on there and he can't
Slightly off topic ( and nerdy, please don't hurt me! ) but has anyone got World of Warcraft to work?
Also, does anyone know how to get ftp access working? I'm being moaned at by the players of my game to update things.
If you go to the computer lab opposite the management building FTP works on those computers. I spoke to ISS about it but the guy decided to be annoying and tried to make it seem I didn't know what I was talking about. But anyway, FTP won't work from your room unless you can figure out how to use passive ftp in a certain way. But he wouldn't tell me >_<. One way to get around it is to telnet your files to your unix space on cent1 then use ftp on cent1 to transfer them to your webserver. But that's extremely tedious! I'll stop rambling now.
Slightly off topic ( and nerdy, please don't hurt me! ) but has anyone got World of Warcraft to work?
It is possible to get it to work, albeit with a slightly limited bandwidth of 64Kbps!
Despite being quite addicated to WoW I've only played it once through uni network, because the bans placed there by ISS are there for a reason ... unfortunately . For the same reason I don't think it's a good idea to post up a 'how to' here.