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Won't know until tonight... been to Reflex, Academy, Oceana... Wedgies tonight and Lizard Lounge coming up... heard mixed reports about Wedgies... we're going there after our formal meal!
Nikki and I loved it.....

Our flatmate was wasted though.
I heard the DJ is a knob and that it is a bit too busy - sweaty dancefloor etcet. Having said that, everyone says they've enjoyed the night so...

Have you guys been crashing Wills recently? :p: HB keep running on our quad and stuff :rolleyes:
Reply 4
You like the claxen?
Reply 5
I got VIP membership! I've got to love it.

Plus it's a laugh because he's a cock.

*walks off humming "I'd walk five hundred miles..."*
Reply 6
Yeah that dj is a cock, although to be fair to him he did warn us beforehand when we stopped at his bar on our bar crawl. Still, if he'd shut up and get on with the cheese rather than making it his one man show then it'd be awesome. Can't believe they did a 5ive medley!

Have to say, absolutely loved it. Best night of Freshers' for me! :biggrin: Is going to be a regular Friday, post formal venue.
Reply 8
Wedgies was awesome! :biggrin:
Reply 9
:biggrin: Love it :biggrin:
Reply 10
It's great on the way there, always something I look forward to.

Once there, I remember why I always vow never to go back.
Hot, sweaty and over-full. People barge past you/through you're 'group', jostle at the bar, 'back-grind' you out of the way of the dancefloor (guys on guys especially). GRRRRR!

See you there next time!
i love it! yes it is hot thery cud do with air con, but all clubs are hot and packed at the end of the day...makes for a better athmosphere. The dj is good sometimes....but he does need to shut up a bit n play more songs
Reply 12
A complete dive. Crap music, crap dj, crap dancers, crap blokes!

Say no more!
I loved it! Easily the best place in Bristol, plus I got to meet Harry :biggrin:
Reply 14
I loved it! Easily the best place in Bristol, plus I got to meet Harry :biggrin:

NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! You need to explore Bristol a little more before you make such strong declarations off love for wedgies :smile:
A complete dive. Crap music, crap dj, crap dancers, crap blokes!

Say no more!

You wouldn't be saying that if you'd been with our lot on Wednesday night! :wink: Our two flatmates introduced us to lots of fit blokes!
Reply 16
You wouldn't be saying that if you'd been with our lot on Wednesday night! :wink: Our two flatmates introduced us to lots of fit blokes!

I was there on wednesday night! Maybe i was blinded by the severe amount of alcohol i had drunk on our hall pub crawl before getting there! But, i doubt it!

I was unfortunate to be surrounded by the most minging blokes when that cock of a "dj" put the baywatch theme on, enough to turn a girl to the otherside! :eek: :eek: :eek: :p:
Reply 17
Also i used to go the evolution, (the club wedgies night is held in) when i was 15/16 (as i grew up in Bristol) and it has not changed at all!
awww u must have been with the wrong guys laura
Reply 19
Laura you sexy beast!!! Hows tricks??? Are you out on the town 2nite? Which random mans house are you and ali gonna end up in 2nite?? Were going out at half 8 to the CHH thing then prob the epi for drinking games and general drunken fun!

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