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Best time to think. My mind is most active late evening.
Reply 2
keeps you awake

I think like this while on the bus

*has a really long bus journey everyday*
Reply 3
Normally I think "I wish my bf wouldn't take up the entire bed".
no its not just you :smile:
i always lay awake at night thinking total random stuff
Reply 5
Most people do it I think. I know I do most nights, then I forget my plans for world domination the next morning :< I also think about deep things like relationships, only natural though. As for world domination, think thats just when I forget my pills.

Must...resist...temptation...for dirty comment.
i have to say i think deeply about things, but not silly things, i think abou tmy life and the direction i want it to go in, oh and of course some randoms things do come into my mind, but everyone is different and will think about different things at different times, when you are laying in a dark room, ready to go to sleep ther eis nothing to take your attention or distract you which allows you to think more deeply about things.
Yeah.I find myself thinking about so much at night....literally every single little aspect of my life.

It's quite cool!
Reply 8
With me, I have a tendancy to think towards ->

Theres no real reason why any of us are here!!!!!!!

Then I get really wierded out
Reply 9
I think about stuff all the time at night, means i cant sleep though :s:
i don't know if it's just me or whether everyone can relate to this, but before you go to sleep do you just lie there for a while just thinking about the strangest really deep stuff?? :rolleyes:

Yes, usually for about 2 hrs :eek: and when i wake up as well (when i don't have to get to school)
Reply 11
I make lists of people I'd like to hurt.
I tend to think of the past than the future, and usually think of the things I said during the previous day that I regrett and how I can resolve it, and I make up stories in my head, weird fantasies that will never come true, like the perfect boyfriend and the romantic walks, dinners and sex under the moonlight that sorta stuff. Infact I day dream most of the day too, and I know this is sad, but I made up a story in my head 7 years ago, and I can see it when I think at night playing like Im watching a move, and everyday I think of that and add bits to it, and create an ending, or a different beginning, that story has changed so much, lol, I really should type it all out, but Ive never got the time to do it.
Reply 13
I make lists of people I'd like to hurt.

I think about stuff that would, like, never happen to me (but in an amazing world could). Like getting in Cambridge, finding out my dad faked his own death and is really alive, oh, and being super-rich (on the lottery or something, even though I don't play...).
Reply 14
oh God yes, I do that all the time. Sometimes it's really deep stuff, like the whole meaning of life thing. Sometimesits about blokes. Sometimes its just about the day I've had. I really like doing it actually, its a time to chill out on your own and sort your thoughts out. I just get distracted if I do it during the day
I sometimes think about really horrible stuff, it's so annoying. But I don't think there is anything nicer than lying, totally curled up in your bed in the dark. It's lovely :love: Especially if you're not bloody single!

But yes, very deep. I usually start worrying about my grandparents etc. I'm v v v close to them and they're getting older, I worry about my parents, my life...Deep stuff that you only think about when you're going to sleep, really :p:
Yes all the time :biggrin: :biggrin:!!!! I always lie there thinking and then I think "hang on, i have 2 go to sleep"!!!! Its the time i can really think about stuff u no. :biggrin:
Everyone does it,
I never used to do it but I have just moved recently so I sometimes think about old friends and my old gf and it keeps me awake for hours. Generally it indicates you aren't happy with something in your life
Reply 18
I always tend to reminisce about past friends and such.
Yes, I always do it!

I usually make up little stories or imagine situations. Other times I practice answering philosophical questions in preparation for my Cambridge interview. :redface: The rest of the time I just let random thoughts run through my head, and I usually end up thinking about something completely off the wall.