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I'm an Indian girl and have only ever dated white guys. I don't find indian guys attractive (sorry :s-smilie: ).
Reply 2
I'm an Indian girl and have only ever dated white guys. I don't find indian guys attractive (sorry :s-smilie: ).

What kind of white guy do you go for? Hair colour, build etc?
Reply 3
If you mean Oriental girls, then yes they do. It's white girls who never go for Oriental guys. It saddens me because I like white girls alot :cry2:.
Reply 4
What a stupid question, of course they do!
I've had (lol) brown haired and green eyed to blonde hair and blue eyes. No gingers yet, but give me Ron Weasley and I'll be a happy bunny.

Do you find white guys more attractive than those of your own origin, or the same?
Mr Smurf
If you mean Oriental girls, then yes they do. It's white girls who never go for Oriental guys. It saddens me because I like white girls alot :cry2:.

Without fail. :rolleyes:
Reply 6
Im so sick and tired of people making the same ****ing thread over and over again...
the same old threads...for answers to these just search through old threads
Entirely depends on the girl and what she finds attractive. It's not usually solely based on race.
(edited 14 years ago)
What kind of white guy do you go for? Hair colour, build etc?

I think white boys are cute but thats probably because I'm really fair for an Asian Pakistani girl and I often get mistaken for a white girl anyway.
I like dark hair though, that's just too hot x
Reply 10
Some do but generally they prefer the stereotypical bad boy Asians. Must be because our culture is much more disrespectful than in Asian cultures but they don't want to venture too far from their comfort zone and so go for these bad boy Asian guys.
Reply 11
If they're really rich.
most asians i know digg white dudes (including me) and are dating them... i agree asians are not that good looking (im not into asian guys :P). I living in Sweden, where the are hardly no asians at all (many blacks, but no asians). I don't really mind that, since I'm not really attracted to asian guys, and I've only hanged with white people my whole life. I don't wanna settle for asian guys, I don't like them that much.
Im asian and dont really have a preference although mostly all asian guys i go for are players :rolleyes: , black guys are hot :wink: but then again so are white guys.....
Oh i dont care hehe, if hes my type as in the way he looks and has a brilliant personality then its all good :biggrin:.
Yes, we do. White guys are just so hot.
Reply 15
Yes. So many Asian girls have the hots for White dudes. i have a friend she is asian he only like white guys only she never go her own kind. I'm not sure about the cultural part but most asian girls I've seen date Latino or White guys not a lot of Asian guys..I don't know why.
It totally depends on the guy. I don't know about what other Asian girls think, but for me race doesn't matter at all.
Reply 17
Ima asian boy and i like other white boys so its ok as my aunt in leigos says " ITS ALL GOOD"
I think the question the OP should be asking is if they'll ever have a relationship with a white guy. Completely different matter altogether. What sort of Asian needs to be clarified as well as Asia has countless different ethnic groups/cultures.
not at the high school i went to
Asian girls were really into White guys