I've been going out with my boyfriend for nearly a year, and I'm so frustrated with our sex life that I could scream - but I don't know how to talk to him about it.
Basically we only have sex a couple of times a week, I never normally get foreplay (occasionally if I'm not 'ready' enough he'll touch me a bit for a couple of minutes but no oral) and sex never lasts more than 5-10 minutes. I only get oral if (I presume) he's feeling a bit guilty because I haven't had an orgasm the last 3 or more times we've had sex. He only ever seems to want sex as a quickie last thing at night when we drop into bed and I'm shattered, and if I initiate in the morning it is always hurried and with me on top because he is too sleepy to do the work, even if he's got a couple of hours to get himself out of bed and get to uni, it seems like he'd rather be sitting drinking coffee and surfing the net than having sex with me. I can't complain I don't orgasm when we do have sex, I touch myself during and 'help myself along' so I don't go without, but I can only do this when I'm underneath. When I'm on top, I can't come at all, but he never offers to help me finish off, or even seems to wonder if I am satisfied when he knows I haven't had an orgasm (obviously I'm not). He jokingly calls me a 'sex pest' when I try to initiate.
I've tried dropping hints - I've told him I'd like to spend longer on sex, and that I prefer sex during the day when I've got the energy. When we've had sex and I haven't come, and he has just let that be, I've made comments about hoping he's going to be up for a repeat performance later because I'll be feeling frustrated. I've even showed him pictures of positions I like. I told him I could orgasm through intercourse without touching myself if we took our time over it, but he said he didn't think he'd last that long so he was fine with me touching myself. I've also said I don't feel like we have sex often enough. Once, after I'd dropped lots of hints about having sex earlier, he came up to bed about 9 - but it only happened the once before things went back to usual.
He doesn't give me oral sex often - last time was probably about 6 weeks ago? But then he doesn't seem that interested in receiving it either.
The frustrating thing is, in other ways he's a great boyfriend and contrary to how it sounds - I'm just frustrated and a bit resentful - I'm very much in love with him. He'll spend hours cooking me a meal, he's always wanting to go places with me and he's incredibly smart and interesting but he won't put any energy or effort into sex! He doesn't like calling it sex either, he prefers to call it 'making love'. He is very affectionate, but I don't know what to do to get him more interested in spending time on sex. Even in the first months together, he never wanted sex much. Is he just not into sex, or is there any way to ask him tactfully for more without offending him, other than the ways I've tried?